Performing Arts News

It has been a very busy and rewarding first semester for Performing Arts students. We would like to acknowledge the efforts of the Year 9 and 10 Performing Arts classes for putting on two engaging shows whilst continuing to development their performance skills.
The other major event was the 50th Anniversary Concert which saw over 160 past and present students put on trip down memory lane, celebrating a number of previous College productions and talents of those who took to the stage. We encourage the EDSC community to keep an eye on their Compass Newsfeed for information on how to secure a ticket to view a recording of the evening. Well done to all staff and students for their dedication and positive growth mindsets!
Semester Two Classes Commence
With the roll over into the next semester it was terrific to see the Year 10 Performing Art class putting their creativity and design skills to use in their newspaper costume design challenge this week. Teaching staff have made note of the upbeat attitudes of all students undertaking their new drama electives across Middle School classes.
Semester Two Events
Term Three
Week 8: Beauty & the Beast Theatre Excursion – Wednesday 4 September
Week 10: Year 12 Futures Celebration – Friday 20 September
Term Four
Week 4: Year 9 & 10 Performing Arts Showcase – Thursday 31 October
Evan Jones
Performing Arts