Primary School

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope that everyone enjoyed the change in routine these past 3 weeks have offered. I would like to extend a special welcome to all the new students and their families who started with us either throughout Term 2 or at the start of this term; Lily, Stella, Reuben, Edith, Josephine and Hooman.
These holidays provided a personal highlight when I travelled to Thailand to reunite with my brother and his family after six years apart. It was the first time my kids got to meet their uncle and cousins. Having this quality time has reminded me of the importance of connecting with loved ones, creating memories and the positivity that comes from having something to look forward to throughout the school term.
Individual Student Achievements
Congratulations to Sophie Wheatley (Year 6) who competed in the Front and Centre Dance Competition in Kyabram on Friday 21 June. Sophie performed a classical ballet piece called 'Bluebird' (Alexis Ffrench) and won the Novice Classical Ballet Solo (10 and under 12 years) section.
Congratulations to Lila Mislicki (Year 5) who was crowned under 12s vocal champion at the Front and Centre Singing Competition in Kyabram on Wednesday 19 June. Lila received first place for the following categories and songs:
Country: ‘The Climb’ by Miley Cyrus
Ballad: ‘Out Here on my Own’ from the musical Fame
Musical Theatre: ‘Good Girl Winnie Foster’ from the musical Tuck Everlasting
Disney: ‘Into the Unknown’ from the movie Frozen
Own Choice: ‘For Good’ from the musical Wicked
Lila then took to the stage at the ‘Take the Mic’ national competition in Melbourne on Saturday 13 July, competing in the Junior Musical Theatre in which she won the Grand Final. I would like to wish Lila all the best as she prepares for two national competitions, ‘Front and Centre’ and ‘Follow Your Dream’ (FYD) on the Gold Coast and Adelaide in January 2025.
Year 3 and Year 4 Learning Showcase
At the conclusion of Term 2, students in Year 3 and Year 4 had an exciting opportunity to share their learning and mathematical journey with students in other year levels. Year 4 students explored various aspects of designing and constructing bridges. They considered practical elements such as material costs, design durability, 2D and 3D shapes and angles. Through teamwork, they constructed miniature-scale bridges and presented their journey. This project fostered critical thinking, creativity and collaboration, enriching the Mathematics curriculum in Number & Algebra and Measurement & Shape.
Year 3 students presented self-constructed websites on 'Antarctic Endangered Animals'. They selected and provided detailed information about some of the wonderful animals found in the Antarctic. Both year levels demonstrated impressive learning and creativity, making this showcase a memorable event for the school community.
Year 6 Information Processes and Technology
Students in Year 6 have been delving into the exciting world of podcasting, creating their own audio productions in small groups. Various topics of interest were explored, episodes were planned and tools used like Wavepad to record and edit their recordings.
To listen to the engaging Podcast Channel and enjoy the creativity of our students, please click on the link below.
Primary AFL Boys Competition
On 22 June, in the Year 5/6 Boys' Campaspe Football Carnival, our team performed admirably, culminating in a remarkable runners-up finish. Throughout the tournament, the boys upheld the school values of respect, compassion and integrity both on and off the field. The journey to the finals was marked by impressive displays of skill and teamwork. Despite a close early loss to the undefeated Echuca 208, the team showed resilience and determination in the Semi-Final, where they faced them for a second time. However, this time turning the tables and clinching a thrilling victory by a narrow margin of 2 points, securing the first-ever Grand Final appearance in the school's history.
During the Grand Final, the boys displayed impressive ball movement and strong defence, showcasing their capabilities. Ultimately, they faced a formidable opponent in St. Mary's, whose polish and talent proved too strong for the boys on the day. Nevertheless, the runners-up position marks the school’s best result to date, a significant achievement after finishing third over the past three years.
We couldn't be prouder of the team's efforts and their commitment to the game. Their sportsmanship and teamwork were exemplary throughout the tournament. Special recognition goes to Mr Watson, the assistant coach, whose tactical insights and guidance contributed significantly to our success.
As we look forward, the team is motivated to build on this experience and strive for even greater success in the future. Congratulations to all the boys for an amazing performance and for representing our school with distinction at the Year 5/6 Boys' Campaspe Football Carnival 2024!
Year 5 Camp - Ballarat
The Year 5 students have once again embarked on their annual camp to Sovereign Hill. The first day started with morning tea at Lake Weroona in Bendigo followed by lunch in Ballarat. Students then attended four informative sessions at the Eureka Centre where they learnt about the events leading up to the Eureka Stockade. The original Eureka Flag was an impressive sight as it was extremely large in real life! After this, we headed to the accommodation at Sovereign Hill. The students unpacked their rooms and headed to dinner in preparation for the ‘Aura Light Show’. This impressive production outlined the history of gold, and what life was like on the goldfields from Indigenous, European and Chinese perspectives.
On days 2 and 3, students were involved in Costume School where they dressed up and experienced what life was like for students living on the diggings in the 1850’s. A variety of ‘old time’ games such as skipping, horseshoe throwing and the cup and ball were on offer to play with at recess and lunch. Learning how to write with a pen and ink was a tricky task for some; however, students persisted much to the pleasure of ‘Ma’am’, our school teacher. A tour of the diggings demonstrated how tough life would have been on the goldfields with many people living in canvas tents and never actually striking it rich. Students embarked on a guided tour of the Red Hill Mine and attended the Winter Wonderlights, a spectacular Christmas in July show. Students had an impressive and immersive experience at Sovereign Hill which is a great lead into our history unit in Year 5 for this term.
Primary Parent Teacher Interviews
The Primary School Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews will be conducted in Week 4 on Tuesday 6 August from 3:30 - 5:30pm and Wednesday 7 August from 3:30 - 7:30pm. This semester, Parent Teacher Interviews will be scheduled face-to-face. Specialist teacher interviews (which are optional) are on Wednesday 7 August.
Parents have the opportunity to book one 12-minute time slot per child for classroom teachers from Friday 26 July onwards. If you or the class teachers believe a longer time session is required, then this needs to be booked directly with the classroom teacher and will be outside of the advertised Parent Teacher times. Interviews with specialist teachers are in 5-minute time slots.
The Booking Portal for classroom teachers and specialist teachers will close on Monday 5 August at midday. If you require to make any changes after this cut-off time, please contact the Primary Office on phone (03 5480 5950) or via email (
Upcoming Events
23/07/24 Primary AFL Girls Competition
26/07/24 Primary Assembly - Year 5 Performance
02/08/24 100 Days of Kinder Celebration
02/08/24 RAS Athletics (selected students)
06/08/24 Parent Teacher Interviews and Book Fair
07/08/24 Parent Teacher Interviews and Book Fair
09/08/24 Primary Chapel Service
Nici Deller
Deputy Principal - Head of Primary