Getting Dramatic

Last Friday the Year 9/10 Drama class presented scenes from the comedy ‘Neighbours Away!’ and despite missing three cast members (the show must go on, as they say!), the performance was a success. There were laughs from the audience, as well as a few ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’, which are always good!
The play is a send up of TV soapies and is set in Erinsburg Bay where the rich Richies and the not-so-rich Osbournes reside, as well as a host of other townspeople such as Hazel, the coffee shop owner, Reverend Merriweather, Sgt Ramsay and the town gossip, Mavis. The climax of this ‘episode’ involves stopping a secret wedding and the revelation that – shock, horror – the bride is really the sister of the groom! The ‘season finale’ then concludes on a cliffhanger when the disgruntled groom grabs a gun!
The cast had a lot of fun and so did the audience of Year 9s and 10s. It was great to see students working together both on stage and during scene changes, and the way they brought their over-the-top soapie characters to life.
Congratulations to all the performers and thank you to the audience for supporting the show!
Marlene Magee
Secondary English & Drama Teacher