Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education News

Wii Gaay Learning Hub- Term 3 

Permission notes for students engaged in the 

2024 Wii Gaay Learning Hub in Term 3 have been forwarded to their school AEA’s or contact person.


Please return completed permission notes by Week 10 - Friday 5th July 2024 to participate in this year's wonderful Wii Gaay Program. 

NAIDOC WEEK Celebrations 

This year Naidoc Week theme is 

Learn more about this year NAIDOC WEEK theme poster designer: Deb Belyea NAIDOC Week .


We look forward to many of our school's celebrations with our wonderful students and communities. 

Clickview NAIDOC WEEK Resources  

Clickview Resources - primary Schools


Clickview Resources - Secondary Schools  

Message Stick Journey 

The Message Stick has made a significant milestone as it crosses from our most western school from St. Joseph’s Walgett on Yuwaalaraay Country) across Gamilaraay Country onto our most eastern school Dhungatti Country at St. Patrick’s School Walcha.


 It will continue its journey to Anaiwan country to St.Joseph’s School Uralla,and St. Mary’s Primary and O’Connor Catholic College, Armidale.   

St Patrick's Primary School - Walcha 

St Joseph’s Primary School - Uralla 

St Mary’s Primary School -  Armidale

Conference Student Engagement Workshops

A snapshot report of the energetic cultural workshops that's been held over Term 1-2 with our wonderful schools in preparation for the NSW Catholic Schools Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Conference in Tamworth 22-24 October. 

  Student Engagement Workshops Report 



Warraymaylaya Maal Dhuwi Retreat Report 

Warraymayalaya Maal Dhuwi Retreat Report 2024

2024 Significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Dates and resources