Mission & Religious Education News

MISSION SHORT COURSE BBI and Catholic Mission Introduction to Mission 2024
BBI/ Taite have an exciting new online Introduction to Missions course. Please have a look at the flyer
New Staff Induction Day
New staff induction into the diocese is required as part of the diocesan policy regarding accreditation to work, teach and lead in schools. They are great days in their own right to learn about our catholic identity in the Armidale Diocese, share stories and meet new people. The next induction day is on August 2 and there is further opportunity on November 15. A google form will be available soon to express interest in these days.
Cornerstone participants have been working hard on their current module on Sacraments. Dates for Cornerstones in Term 3 are August 1 and August 15.
Please select your date here
BBI Courses
BBI/ Taite offer post graduate study options in theology and religious education at all levels ranging from Graduate Certificate to Masters level. Armidale Catholic Schools offers attractive subsidies in these courses. Please check out the flyer
Retreat Week
Please save the dates for retreat week. Retreat week are 4 stand alone retreats offered to all staff across the diocese by the Lasallian Mission team. These retreats are fully subsidised by Armidale Catholic Schools. Not only are they wonderful opportunities for faith formation and reflection, they also serve as currency toward accreditation in the diocese. The dates for allstaff are the 26th, 27th and 28th of August. APs and RECs are on the 29th of August. A google form regarding these opportunities will be available soon.
FAQ's - What’s that little light?
Christ is the light of the world! The little red you see glowing on the sanctuary near the tabernacle indicates the presence of Christ in the form of the eucharistic bread. We acknowledge this presence when we genuflect (kneel on one knee). In our Christian tradition, genuflection is an act of adoration of Christ as Lord.
Upcoming Important Church Calendar Days
Thu 27 Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Fri 28 Saint Irenaeus, Bishop
Thu 4 Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
Fri 5 Saint Antony Mary Zaccaria
Sat 6 Saint Maria Goretti
Tue 9 Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his Companions
Thu 11 Saint Benedict
Sat 13 Saint Henry
Mon 15 Saint Bonaventure
Tue 16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Sat 20 Saint Apollinaris
Tue 23 Saint Bridget of Sweden
Wed 24 Saint Charbel Makhlouf
Fri 26 Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mon 29 Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus
Tue 30 Saint Peter Chrysologus
Wed 31 Saint Ignatius Loyola, Priest