Student Awards

TERM 2 - WEEK 10


Curios, Determined, Collaborative, Creative, Proactive, Self-aware






Student NameAwardReason
Prep GSyrah Proactive Learner

Syrah has demonstrated how proactive she can be in her literacy learning this week. She has shown fantastic concentration when doing her work and is always great at anticipating what the next step will be in the learning process for her. She has also enjoyed challenging herself with more difficult words. Way to go, Syrah!


Prep VClaraDetermined LearnerClara has worked hard on her reading this term and made some fantastic progress. She confidently transfers her letter-sound knowledge to easily sound out and blend unfamiliar words together. Even when faced with a challenge, Clara is able to show determination and persistence to overcome it. Keep up the hard work Clara!
Junior AAriProactive

For being a proactive learner when making a diorama of your special place. Ari, you remained focused to include the features of a beach and persevered when trying different ways to attach these features to your shoebox. You happily asked for help when you needed it and should be proud of your efforts.

Well done, Ari!

Junior GIndigoCollaborative Indigo, you are such a kind and caring member of the Junior Community. You are constantly looking for ways to make sure your peers are involved both in and outside of the classroom. It was so lovely to see you run over to the buddy bench to help a classmate in need! We are so lucky to have you Indigo! 
Middle TJoumanaDetermined LearnerJoumana has returned from her amazing holiday fresh and full of enthusiasm for learning. She has showed determination in her efforts to create her Inquiry project about Egypt. I can’t wait to see the finished  product! Keep up the great work.
Middle JZara GProactive Learner For the amazing focus and effort you have been showing when completing your country study in inquiry. You have researched interesting facts about Russia’s climate, geography and culture to write a report that is interesting and detailed. I was so impressed to see you editing your work independently by checking your spelling and punctuation to improve your writing. Well done Zara and keep it up!
Senior BOliviaProactiveFor always being organised and prepared for learning. You always know exactly what you need to be working on, what your goals are and where you need to go next. You seek feedback to improve your work and have a fantastic, studious approach to all areas of school life. Well done, Olivia! 
Senior OGabrielCreativeFor the fabulous writing skills you showed when you created a unique story about a boat that capsized at sea. You demonstrated your ability to narrate a story full of interesting characters, a complex plot, and descriptive language. It made for a very entertaining read. Fantastic job, Gabriel!
Senior OOscar T.CollaborativeFor the great teamwork you showed when working collaboratively with a partner to solve an opened data task in Maths. You showed great listening and contributed your own thoughts when figuring out how to sort soccer players according to statistics. It’s great to see you learning respectfully and responsibly with your peers. Keep it up Oscar!
Performing ArtsHavana Determined LearnerFor the determination and gratitude displayed during our Performing Arts classes. Always the first to acknowledge the efforts of your peers, you continue to inspire those around you to bring their best self to the classroom. Thank you for your unwavering kindness, leadership and commitment, Havana! 
Digital TechnologiesAkiva Determined Learner

For being determined and willing to take chances in attempting to work through and solve coding-related problems using the Make Code Arcade website. Well done Akiva on displaying and applying a positive GROWTH MINDSET