Stephanie Alexander Garden 


Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden with 3/4S


Welcome back to Term 3!! Hope your holidays were relaxing and you were still able to enjoy the fresh winter air.  Our first week back with 3/4S was a very busy one.  We started in the garden with the Carrots and Zucchinis groups and they worked hard to try and get on top of the weeds.  We also planted some native ‘Pig Face’ flowers into our orchard that by spring time, should help to attract the bees.  


Our kitchen session was very unusual this week.  Instead of making our normal lunch meal which consists of a dip, a bread, a salad and a main meal.  We put on our baking gloves and made four yummy treats that can be sold on Sunday at the P&F’s Cake Stall at the Keysborough Markets.  Each group was allocated a delicious sweet treat to make with their adult helper.  The students engaged in lots of different cooking techniques such as crushing, rolling, melting and coating.  They enjoyed having a little sample of the Clinkers Rocky Road after their lunch and most were keen to get to the markets on Sunday to buy some of what they made.  Once everything was set, we bagged and labelled all the treats into smaller packages so they are ready for the P&F on Friday.  We hope they can sell lots of yummy treats!


Thanks to Denise (Jayden L’s Mum) and Jo (Mali’s Mum) for helping us this week.  You were both superstars at managing this different week in the kitchen.  3/4S only have two more weeks left of the SAKG program so if you can and help your child, please let me know via Seesaw when you would be available.



Mrs Tammie Siegert


Student Reflections:

Today I was making ANZAC BISCUITS! I made it with Marcus.L,Jayden.L,Nathan and Jayden.L’s MUM! We had to put oats in two bowls. I put four or three cups of it then plain flour,brown sugar and melted butter. Then we mixed it a lot until it was turning brown and dry. Then we put it in the oven. Aston.W 


Today we made a rocky road. It has marshmallow and chocolate and those chocolate eggs and it was fun and enjoyable but we don’t get he eat it but we get to taste it it was good.  - David


We made chocolate rum balls and other groups made rocky road, coconut slices, ANZAC biscuits. My favourite part was making chocolate rum balls. We made it for the Keysborough Market.  By Jacob



Today I cooked ANZAC biscuits. It was my first time cooking for Keysborough Market. It also took a while to get everything off of my hands because it was very sticky and slippery, but I got it off. I worked with Denise. We also made an explosion with the butter and baking soda. The butter was melted with other stuff. It made bubbles and I thought that it would explode. From Nathan


Today in the kitchen we made chocolate rum balls, rocky road, coconut slice and ANZAC biscuits.  My group and I made the rocky road we had to cut up clickers and marshmallows. We also got to lick the chocolate off the spoon. We were making it for the Keysborough Market. By Victoria


I made coconut slice for the Keysborough Market.  Me and my group got to lick the spoons and I got chocolate all over my face. I really enjoyed it this week. By Kelsey


Today we did not make lunch. Instead we made sweets for fundraising at the Keysborough Market. In my group we made coconut slice. It was so easy to make. We also got to lick the spoon after we finished. It was so fun.



Today my group made  rum balls. I've made rum balls before so I'm already an expert. The method of this program is to improve your cooking skills. By Eli


Today my group created ANZAC biscuits for the keysborough market. They were going to be sold to someone to raise money for our school. We worked with Denise and she helped us with what and how we make the Anzac biscuits. It was created with shiny golden syrup, sweet brown sugar, melty butter and boring flour (there were more ingredients). I enjoyed making the biscuits and had a great time.  By Marcus


Today we made Rocky road with Nikki Sensai. In the rocky road we had clickers, marshmallows and gummy raspberries. I loved today because I got to lick the chocolate off the spoon at the end. I learned how to cut the squishy food.The reason we were making sweet food is for the Keysborough market on Sunday.  Kind regards Savannah 


Today we made ANZAC biscuits and we made them for a baked goods stall and Keysborough market. I helped to melt the butter that had golden syrup in it to mix in the butter. I helped Denise shape the biscuits but my fingers got SO messy.

 - Anita


We made chocolate rum balls and other groups made rocky road, coconut slice and ANZAC biscuits.  My favourite part was making chocolate rum balls. We made it for the Keysborough Market. By Jacob 




Today in cooking we baked cakes!! We made a coconut slice with two layers of melted chocolate and we got to lick the spoons. We were making it for a cake stall.  By Mali


Today my group made Rocky Road. It had Marshmallow, Candy and Candy covered with Chocolate. It was very messy. By Jaden


Today I made chocolate rum balls (Kids friendly) by using:

  • Cocoa powder and coconut flakes
  • Crushed cookies

I made this because there is a Keysborough stall! I had a lot of fun making this!  By Jacqueline


This week we made cookies and sweets for keysborough market and my group made rocky road with nikki sensei and it was my first time making rocky road. We put marshmallows in it and chocolate and raspberry lolly.  The raspberries were hard to cut and the marshmallows so Nikki Sensei helped me.  By Jordan W



I was in zucchinis and we made coconut slices.  They are made of biscuits , melted chocolate , and melted butter. After that we froze it. We also got to   lick the chocolate off the  spoon after we finished. By Shenan


Today, I was cooking Anzac biscuits for the      Keysborough market. My mum helped me today. I had to mix the oats, flour, brown sugar and melted butter. I also had to use my hands to make them into the shape of the biscuits. I got my hands dirty. Today, I did stem. I sure want to taste them when I go. From Jayden.L


Today was a particularly FUN day! Instead of making things with veggies and fruits we did… BAKED GOODS! (Yum!😋) My group made these delicious rum balls. What I really had to do was corporate and work together as this also connects to what we have been doing in RE/Religion:Common good! We used cocoa powder,condensed milk and plain biscuits! And Thank you staff for making it easier and better! And we will be selling these at a STALL!  By Henry