Student Awards  - Term 3


June - "Be Positive" 

July - "Dare to be Different"


FOUNDATION B - Ayla H for her positive attitude to learning and for always trying hard to improve. Well done!

FOUNDATION B - Alvin V for being so positive and friendly to everyone in foundation.

FOUNDATION B - Rihaan S for developing his confidence and starting to take more risks with his writing.


FOUNDATION G - Leo S for working really hard on improving his handwriting. You are doing a great job. Keep it up, Leo!

FOUNDATION G - Zechariah G for showing remarkable effort in focusing, listening, and participating actively in class, setting himself up for a successful term.

FOUNDATION G - Angela S for courageously taking the first steps towards beginning the school day independently. You can do it Angie!


FOUNDATION L - Mackie V for showing increased confidence in his writing abilities by attempting to spell words and create sentences both at school and at home.

FOUNDATION L - Kiara P for proudly embracing wearing glasses, thinking of them as a superpower that enhances her learning!

FOUNDATION L - Pippa M for her focus, attentive listening, and enthusiastic participation during our concert practices.


YEAR 1/2E - Scarlett M for displaying a positive, determined and focused approach when solving maths problems. 

YEAR 1/2E - Matthew L for starting to show greater confidence when sharing his ideas with the class.

YEAR 1/2E - Pia S for the focus and commitment she displayed when practising our concert dance. 


YEAR 1/2PH - Luke H for always including his friends in his games and listening to them.

YEAR 1/2PH -  Lucie P for the wonderful effort she put into learning her dance routine for the concert.

YEAR 1/2PH - Lorenzo B for continuing to improve his Mathematical skills when he was learning about time. 


YEAR 1/2D - Gabriella D for responding to changes in the daily timetable with a positive attitude!

YEAR 1/2D -  Teddy G for displaying his creative talents and sharing them with peers!!

YEAR 1/2D - Lucy S for displaying her creative talents during Art classes, when drawing and using colours.


YEAR 1/2K - Christopher R for taking on constructive feedback with a smile and quick action. 

YEAR 1/2K - Kaiah R for using your creative ideas and applying them to your writing tasks.

YEAR 1/2K - Cyrus L for using your fantastic problem solving skills to complete the challenging Maths tasks.


YEAR 1/2M - Laura L for her positive attitude that she brings to our classroom and for always trying her best. Well done, Laura!

YEAR 1/2M -  Charlie R for his wonderful start to the term. Well done on making good decisions and being responsible for your learning.

YEAR 1/2M - Mila N for being an active listener and sharing her ideas during class discussions. Well done, Mila!


YEAR 1/2FM - Louis W for being a positive and helpful member of our class. Well done Louis, you are a superstar! ⭐

YEAR 1/2FM - Kingsley T for settling into Term 3 and contributing to class discussions. Well done Kingsley!

YEAR 1/2FM - Jeslyn H for the effort and motivation she shows when completing her school work. Awesome work Jeslyn - you are a superstar! ⭐


YEAR 3/4B - Charlotte D for excellent planning, writing and publishing her narrative this week and always having a positive attitude to her learning.

YEAR 3/4B - Saina V for showing creativity and her lateral thinking skills in her learning at all times. Well done Saina.

YEAR 3/4B - Lucas R for putting effort and creativity into his letter writing activities this week. Well done Lucas.


YEAR 3/4C -  Sophia K for developing her confidence when sharing her ideas with the rest of the class. Keep it up Sophia!

YEAR 3/4C -  Mali K for using her creativity to think outside the box across various subject areas. Keep it up!


YEAR 3/4S - Marcus L for sharing his creative thinking with the class and being open to others’ thoughts and ideas. Thank you very much Marcus!

YEAR 3/4S -  Kelsey M for taking risks in her learning by trying different ways to achieve a task and sharing this with her peers. Thank you Kelsey!


YEAR 3/4KC - Joshua L for his positive committment to being open to continous learning in all areas of his school life.

YEAR 3/4KC-  Levi C for using creative thinking and persisitence during his art lessons to make imaginative pieces of work.

YEAR 3/4KC - Joshua H for taking the time to think creatively before jumping in to his problem solving. Well done Josh! in 3/4 KC


YEAR 3/4M - Nina M for her wonderful listening skills and for being a dedicated helper in the classroom.

YEAR 3/4M - Hamish M for avoiding distractions and ensuring he is a focused learner. Keep up the great work Hamish!

YEAR 3/4M - Toby Z for making a huge effort to join the class for meditation in the mornings. Keep it up Toby!


YEAR 5/6K - Mila W for being a good friend and seeing the positives in those around you. Well done, Mila. 

YEAR 5/6K - Jessica G for showing how creative you can be and your incredible artwork. For thinking outside the box and trying your best with all your work. Well done, Jessica. 

YEAR 5/6K - Emily C for being a wonderful member of the class whose personality makes the school a better place. For taking risks with your learning and taking mistakes as opportunities to grow. Well done, Emily.


YEAR 5/6MV - Rosaline L for always coming to class with a smile. Your positive energy lights up our classroom. 

YEAR 5/6MV - Ruby M for always pushing yourself to be the very best learner you can be. We are in awe of your growth across all areas of the curriculum. Well done Ruby

YEAR 5/6MV - Aurora M for walking to your own tune and doing what makes you happiest. We love seeing all your different interests intertwine throughout your work. 


YEAR 5/6R - Sienna M for proactively seeking and applying feedback to improve her understanding in all areas of learning. Keep up the awesome work Sienna! 

YEAR 5/6R - James V for continuing to apply lateral thinking to new and challenging learning opportunities. 

YEAR 5/6R - Surya S for continually sharing his wonderful science knowledge during class discussions with enthusiasm and passion. 


YEAR 5/6S - Emily C for always looking forward to the next challenge using many different strategies, understanding it is part of her learning process. 

YEAR 5/6S - Oliver W for embracing everyone's differences and understanding that each classmate offers alternative opinions and ideas that we can learn from. Thank you for helping to enrich our learning community.


YEAR 5/6P - Joshua L for his enthusiastic attitude towards his learning and his desire to always improve. Keep it up Josh! 

YEAR 5/6P -  Jack H for beginning the new semester in a positive and organised manner. Keep it up Jack!