Principal's Report 

Flexible. Resilient. Positive. 2024

We have had a wonderful start to Term 3 here at Rangeview PS. We have celebrated NAIDOC week, Level 1 & 2 had a Hands on Science Incursion, Level 1 Celebrated 100 Days of School, students represented Rangeview at both State Cross Country and State Netball, our Junior School Council has met, our School Council has met, we had a filming day with Hugh Van Cuylenburg and the Resilience Project, Foundation students participated in a Science Incursion Day, children's author Claire Saxby ran a writing workshop with students from Levels 2 - 4, and we began our Olympics celebrations with Green and Gold Day today! 



Congratulations and well done to all of our Level 3 & Level 5 students who completed the NAPLAN earlier this year. NAPLAN is a national assessment which is completed by all students in schooling in Australia - Levels 3, 5, 7 and 9. 


We encourage students to try their best and we ensure they understand that NAPLAN is just one assessment completed at one point in time. It is a measure of quite specific skill sets and is by no means an accurate picture of the whole student as a learner. 


This being said - our school NAPLAN results were incredibly strong this year with Rangeview outperforming our similar schools and our network schools on almost all measures. 


The below tables show the percentage of students scoring in the Exceeding and Strong results range. 

Network Schools: 60 Primary, Secondary and Specialist Schools in our local area.


Similar Schools: Schools matched by gender, Indigeneity, language background other than English status, parental occupation, parental education, and remoteness.


Please see the Teaching and Learning page for more details on the new NAPLAN. 

Parent Opinion Survey 2024

We will soon be conducting the annual survey to find out what parents / caregivers / guardians think of our school. The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behavior, and student engagement. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. All families are invited to participate in the survey.


The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open from Monday 29th July to Friday 30th August. We will send you a link to participate on Monday 29th July. 


The survey will be conducted online, is completely anonymous, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese.


Results of the survey will be shared with our community once we receive them later in the year.

Rangeview Fair

We are holding our Bi-Annual Rangeview Fair on Sunday 20th October here at Rangeview Primary School. This will be an Oktoberfest Fair and a spectacular community event with Rides, Food Trucks, Market Stalls, Live Entertainment, and a Beer Tent! 


Thank you to Noel Jones Mitcham our generous sponsor. 


We hope to see the whole community here to celebrate and support our wonderful school. 


School Council - Community Meeting

Our School Council meets twice a term to oversee the operations of the school. We discuss policy and process, school operations and student learning data. 


The objectives of a school council are set out in the school council’s constituting Order and section 2.3.4 of the Education and Training Reform Act and are to:

  • assist in the efficient governance of the school
  • ensure that its decisions affecting students of the school are made having regard, as a primary consideration, to the best interest of the students
  • enhance the educational opportunities of students at the school
  • ensure the school and the council complies with any requirements of the Education and Training Reform Act, the Education and Training Reform Regulations, a Ministerial Order or a direction, guideline or policy issued under the Education and Training Reform Act.

We will be holding a community meeting on Tuesday 27th August at 7pm in the school Library. We invite any members of the community who would like to attend this meeting to do so. Please email the school on to register your attendance. 

Parents & Friends Committee

I would like to highlight the incredible work that this very small group of parents do to enrich and connect our community. The following events are planned and delivered by the P&F and are not school run events; 


Student Disco Night

Cupcake Day

Mother's Day Stall

Father's Day Stall

Hot Food Days

Sausage Sizzles / Ice Pole Stalls at School Events

Book Club

Parent's Trivia / Bingo Night

Parent's Comedy Night

Hot Cross Buns Drive

Family Portraits 

The Rangeview Fair


It is only through the efforts of this small committee that these events and activities can go ahead and they impact positively on our students Primary School education experience, and on our community as a whole. I am aware that the workload of this group is at times significant. 


I would urge families to consider volunteering to assist this committee - either as a committee member, or for individual events when the time allows. I am aware that all of our families have work commitments. Please contact Rebecca Peers, Michael Hadjion and Laura Warren on to get involved. 


The school we have is the one we build together. 


Marika Ferguson
