Fete News

Save the date: Friday 15th November:  4-9pm



This term we will start collecting items for the Big Wheel hampers. There are 2 hampers per class with different themes. If each student could provide 2 gifts, one for each tub and relevant to the Hampers theme, these are the prizes for the Big Wheel at the fete.


The themes for each class are:

Prep - Animal Lovers & Summer Fun

1/2 G - Gents & Girls Fun (for ages Prep- Grade 2)

1/2 H -Gourmet Food & Boys Fun (for ages Prep - Grade 2)

3/4 G - Christmas & Gardening

3/4 I - Ladies & Boys Fun (for ages Grade 3 - Grade 6)

5/6 C - Christmas & Sports Mad

5/6 G -  Cooks Kitchen & Girls Fun (for ages Grade 3 - Grade 6)


Save the date: Friday 15th November: 4-9pm