Wominjeka to OSHC 

Coordinator: Alexis Simmonds and Assistant Coordinator: Sarah Emerson

We acknowledge the first peoples of the Kulin Nation, their Dreaming of the past, present and future. We pay our respect for their land by looking after the land we learn and play on.

Making bundles of mint
Harvesting the mint
New dolls
Running races with junior students
Homemade pumpkin scones
Forever friends
Beautiful winter sunrises at Before Care
Learning about different emotions and feelings
Making bundles of mint
Harvesting the mint
New dolls
Running races with junior students
Homemade pumpkin scones
Forever friends
Beautiful winter sunrises at Before Care
Learning about different emotions and feelings

We’ve been in wind-down mode this week in the lead up to the school holidays and a lot of children have opted for more relaxed activities. 


Hama beads, loom bands, board games, reading and construction activities have featured heavily each morning and afternoon. Those using the loom bands have set themselves a challenge to make the longest line of loom bands! This morning they managed to get their ‘rope’ the length of the soccer pitch! They’ve given themselves until grade 6 to complete this task so we will see how they go. 


A Barbie dream house plus accessories has been added to our dollhouse corner which has created a buzz among both girls and boys. This was a generous donation from one of our students who no longer played with it at home and thought it would be a great addition here at OSHC. 


On Tuesday a few students got into the garden and harvested a large amount of mint that has been growing gangbusters. They then made small bunches and put them out for our OSHC families to enjoy. A new excited group will be heading back in there on Thursday with more mint available for everyone. 


Two-square tournaments have continued amongst the older students and with new rules added each week. I’m surprised they can keep up! It has proven a good opportunity for students to work on their negotiating and compromising skills when one of the many rules comes into question. Big group soccer matches with students in Before Care have been keeping everyone warm and AFL matches in the afternoon have served the same purpose. 


As week 11 comes to a close, enjoy the holiday break and our OSHC family will be ready to welcome you back in Term 3! 


Ivanhoe Primary OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

For bookings, enrolments or inquires phone: 9499-5226

Or email us at iposhc@ivanhoeps.vic.edu.au


Find us at the corners of Tate & Ailsa Grove, Ivanhoe 3079.                                                           

It’s the building called ‘The Playhouse".