Student Voice

House Celebrations Last Day of Term


House Captain Award

Year 5 Science Incursion 

This morning Grade 5 were treated to a special visit from Jai’s mum, Belinda. 


She has a PHD in Science from Melbourne University. Belinda led an amazing discussion on adaptations, looking at how and why animals change, even looking at some different insects and the adaptations they have made.  


We then had the amazing opportunity to extract DNA from a strawberry! The students loved this hands-on experience. What a special and wonderful conclusion to our Science unit this term! 

A big thanks to Belinda for offering her time and expertise to us today! 

 Digital Technology and Literacy with 1L

1L were very lucky to have Ms Wright work with us to learn the basics of coding using the Blue Bots. We focused on the re-tell of Little Red Riding Hood and coded our Blue Bot characters to move around from place to place, so much fun!


We loved having the chance to use the Blue Bots again.

Year 5L End of Term Reflections

To end our term, we thought deeply about the aspects of the term we were most proud of, what was fun and what we found challenging. We also thought about how to improve, how to change, what to look forward to and what is important for our personal growth next term. Here are some examples of our term reflections below: 

Year 2 Creative Writing - My Monster

Alma, Amber, Charlie and Amie
Alma, Amber, Charlie and Amie

Year 2 Sea Rescue Writing

Freddie and Max
Freddie and Max

Year 1L Teaching Their Own Read Write Inc Lessons

Year 5L Collaborative NAIDOC Artwork

Competition Foundation to Year 2

Competition Year 3 to Year 6