
Battle of the Bands 

Week 11 Term 2

What an amazing day we had last Thursday at Battle of the Bands. 


Given the students only have 50 minutes each week to rehearse, do not have a sound check or stage practice before the event, it was a very impressive effort. 


Cameo Bands, and soloists also performed brilliantly – thank you to those who spent their recess or lunch times rehearsing, or to those who spent hours practicing at home. 

Well done all of you! 


I am also aware that a number of students had to go from Battle of the Bands to the Australian Music Examinations Board for their instrumental exam. 

What an amazing effort!


Battle of the Bands requires significant help to set up the stage, PA, microphones, and foldback amps. All this equipment is connected to power through a sound desk. 


Pete Batt ran his critical eye over the equipment on Wednesday evening, and Derek Murphy managed the sound production on Thursday. Thank you, gentlemen! 


My sincere thanks to the parents who turned up on Wednesday afternoon to help build the stage and put the equipment into place. 


Special mention to: Matt Roberts, Hamish Wood, Paul Taylor, Jo O’Hara, Liz Bonetti, Leo Di Cori, Lucy Verwoert-Lau, Stephen McKay, Anna Womersley, Yi Jin, Beth Kimber, Anne Every, Hermione Gilchrist, Pete Batt, Lexi Simmonds and Derek Murphy. 

Apologies if I have missed anyone. 


Extra special thanks to James Bull – thanks for being so accommodating and supportive. 


I would also like to make special mention to my Year Six Music Captains. They did an outstanding job of making announcements. Thank you to: Hazel M, Aashna G, Angelina Z, Hamish L, Collin H, Caleb Y & Leon S-R (honorary captain for the day.) Also, to Jerry and Justin from 6P who monitored the WebEx. 


Each of my student helpers will receive a special treat from the canteen. Thank you, Annette!




By the time you are reading this message, the winning class for Battle of the Bands will be known. I loved the way all the students in the school, considered the task of selecting their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place getters seriously. The results are always a surprise to me. It is good to know democracy is alive and well at IPS. 


The winning class receives a treat from the canteen – thank you Annette – and they get to keep the Battle of the Bands trophy in their class for the remainder of the year. 


Have a wonderful Term break.


Yours in Music,

Marie Morrow


Beat It
Beat It
Crazy Train
Cahaya on Harp
Charlie L
Crazy Train
Dance Night
Daniel The Little Spinning Song
Edward Lord of the Rings
Eye of the Tiger
Eye of the Tiger
Eye of the Tiger
High Hopes
High Hopes
High Hopes
Melody on Harp
Beat It
Beat It
Crazy Train
Cahaya on Harp
Charlie L
Crazy Train
Dance Night
Daniel The Little Spinning Song
Edward Lord of the Rings
Eye of the Tiger
Eye of the Tiger
Eye of the Tiger
High Hopes
High Hopes
High Hopes
Melody on Harp