From the Principal  

Final day of Term 2 is the 28th of June (2.30pm dismissal) 

Reports go home - Friday 28th June

First day of Term 3 is 15th of July 


As we approach the end of the Semester One, I wanted to advise that unless other arrangements are in place, students’ semester one reports will be published via Compass at 4:00pm on the last day of term (Friday 28th June), accessible via the ‘reports’ tab in your child’s profile within the Compass app, or by selecting 'View Academic Reports' if accessing Compass through a browser.


For students in Years 3-6, reports include a student self-reflection comment. These comments are drafted by the students and checked by teachers during the writing process, before being typed up independently by the students. Therefore, what you see in this section of the report is an authentic reflection of their ability to type and transcribe text, and as a result may contain some spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors.


Students' Semester 1 portfolio folders will be brought home by students on the last day of term.  We kindly ask that you please spend some time to share and discuss your child’s portfolio entries with them and reflect upon and celebrate their achievements. 


The portfolio will not need to be returned as students will begin a new portfolio of work in Semester Two.


Steven O’Callaghan

Leading Teacher: Assessment & Reporting 

Welcome to IPS

This Friday sees the end of Term 2 and an early dismissal at 2.30pm. This term has been jam packed with student learning and a variety of events.  


Reports will be coming home soon, and it is a great time to reflect on student achievements and set goals both at home and at school to support those children who are excelling, those who are working well and those who might benefit from some additional encouragement.


Education is not a linear journey for any of us. There are peaks and troughs, periods of acceleration and periods of slow growth. Holidays provide time to pause and reflect, before moving forward again.


Mid year is a good time to talk to children about goal setting for Semester 2. Encourage your child to talk to you about what they feel they  are "good" at and what they might want to "get better at".  Positive language reaps positive results. 


Remember that we are all partners in learning, parent, carer, teacher, support staff and, of course, student/child. When we are all on the same page, travelling in the same direction we create and maximise opportunities for achievement and excellence.

Assembly Performance

Students attending the school lunchtime Darling Dance classes performed at assembly on Monday.   What a great job the students did, they showed Persistence, Independence and Confidence!

Battle of the Bands

Marie thanked at assembly with flowers!
Marie thanked at assembly with flowers!

One of the highlights of Term 2 was the much-anticipated Battle of the Bands and it did not disappoint!  


The excitement in the build up to the event could be felt across the school and to be in the hall with a full audience of students and parents was just wonderful. 


The performances were fantastic. With Mrs Morrow's guidance, the bands practised long and hard to polish their acts. We have some future stars at IPS.


We wish Mrs Morrow a well deserved break as she goes on long service leave next term and we welcome Ms Every as our interim music and drama teacher.

Lost Property

 There are quite a few belongings without names still in lost property boxes. Please make sure you check all the lost property locations: 

  • In the hall foyer.
  • Under the shelter near the Collaboration Space (Old Canteen).
  • Outside the Beehive.
  • Outside the Out of School Hours Care Program.

VHAP Masterclass Day!

Today 10 students from year 5 and 6 visited Virtual School Victoria in Thornbury to participate in the VHAP Masterclass Program. 


It was the first ever masterclass VSV hosted making it extra special for the students who attended! The students were a part of either a Maths or English masterclass. In Maths, the students spent time cracking some extremely tricky codes and later in the day they considered different perspectives on time both mathematically and philosophically. 


In English, the students unleashed their inner script writers, by writing and performing their own scripts. They also worked collaboratively to explore slam poetry and the relationship between music and the human voice. It was such an engaging day! 


We look forward to hopefully many more masterclasses to come in the future!


Miranda Stott - High Ability Practice Leader

End of Semester Reports

Reports will be available on Compass this Friday (28th of June).  


Parent Teacher Interviews and 3-way conferences will be held in week 3 of next term on Wednesday the 31st of July. Families will be able to book preferred times on Compass at the start of Term 3.  


We wrote to you previously regarding new arrangements around teaching and assessing of Mathematics in line with the introduction of the revised Mathematics Curriculum Version 2.0.

As previously stated, the revised Mathematics Curriculum includes changes to the achievement standards used by teachers to assess and report on student learning across Levels Foundation to 10.


While Version 1.0 had 3 separate achievement standards that schools were mandated to report against, Version 2.0 has only a single achievement standard that encompasses 5 strands for Foundation up to Year 2, and six strands for Year 3 and up.

The revised Mathematics strands are as follows:


All levels






Year 3 and above

While reporting against the 5-6 strands is not mandated by the Department of Education (DET), at Ivanhoe Primary School we believe that this additional information on how your child is achieving in each individual strand of Mathematics will be useful as this will provide you with  a detailed understanding of your child’s achievement in Mathematics.

Therefore, in addition to the required single achievement score, your child’s report for Mathematics will also have a ‘Learning Outcomes’ grid within the report to provide you with additional information.


Please read the additional information on the "Mathematics Reporting in Victorian Government schools. Update 3" in this edition of Inside Ivanhoe. 

World's Greatest Shave

One of our teachers, Kirstie Fray and her daughter Heidi are going to do the World's Greatest Shave to raise money for blood cancer research.  

Head over to the Community Page of this newsletter for more information!

2025 Enrolments 

School Tours for Term 2 have now ended. Keep an eye out for new dates for Term 3!

If you'd like to book a school tour, please call the office on 9499 1880 to organise.

Bookings are essential as places are limited.


Please remember not everyone is aware that it is school holidays so sadly drivers are not always  on the lookout for children.

I take this opportunity to thank all of the staff for their dedication to IPS. Their dedication  is integral to making our school a great school.


I hope you all are able to take some time out from your busy schedules and find some downtime for simple pleasures and to enjoy the company of family and good friends.


Stay safe everyone.


Mark Kent



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