
Over the past two weeks JLC, MLC and SLC have participated in an online presentation from engineer guest speaker Sarah.


JLC had a Force and Motion presentation. Sarah spoke about her role as an engineer and told the students what her workday looks and what she uses in her day eg: maths, science and data, technology (computers and software). She then went on to talk about types of force including push, pull and gravity which the students have been looking at in class, as well as motion and how force can affect it.


MLC and SLC had a careers presentation. Sarah spoke about her role as a public servant engineer in the army and what that entails. She told the students what her workday looks and what she uses in her day eg: maths, science and data, technology (computers and software). Sarah told the students she liked maths and science and kind of fell into engineering, studying for 5 years to become an aerospace engineer. She loves her job because she likes solving problems and encouraged the girls to consider it as a career as only about 15% of her course were female.