Middle Learning Community

In Grade 3 we have been very busy doing lots of learning & having lots of fun! 

In particular Mr Brown & Mrs Dovey were SO PROUD of every single Grade 3 for completing and presenting a speech to their cohort for the Public Speaking Competition. Although only 6 students could go through to the next stage, each and every one of our Grade 3's should feel extremely proud of their efforts and for their amazing performances! It was the most difficult decision to make as judges. We congratulate Charlie Berry who has made it through to the final round for his speech on 'Wolverine'. 



WOW we are into our last week before Eucharist and Confirmation celebration next weekend. Just some house keeping things for Eucharist and Confirmation:


   -Spirit Day is next Friday 21st June. You should have received an email from Jodi Sefton regarding this day. All Year 4 students will be participating in this day. All students can wear a touch of red on the day. Could all families please bring a shared plate for morning tea. Parents and sponsors are invited to join us for morning tea at 10am before we head to mass at 10:45am.

   -Thank you for all your support and encouragement throughout the program. Your dedication was reflected last weekend when so many of our candidates came to mass to receive the crufixes. 

   -Please remember that the candidates are to wear their stoles and crufixes next weekend at the celebration of Eucharist and Confirmation.



We have been having a huge blitz on our times tables this term.  Your child receives a certificate whenever they complete a belt in our Ninja Times table Challenge.  Could you please encourage your child to practise their times tables at home.