Junior Learning Community

History Walk 

On Thursday the 13th of June, the Grade 1 & 2 students participated in a history walk throughout Cobram. We visited the old State School, walked past the Court House, Post Office, old Wheat Silos and looked inside Cobram’s Log Cabin. The students enjoyed learning about Cobram’s history and getting a close up look at many different old artefacts. 

We would like to thank Pat and Neil Kerr and Lyn Knight from The Cobram Historical Society, for their assistance and for letting us in to explore some of these sites. It was very interesting to see and imagine what life was like in Cobram in the past.  



For our text-based unit this term we have been exploring the story ‘Feathers for Phoebe.’ To complete this unit of work we will be creating our very own Phoebe! On Thursday the 27th of June at 8:30-8:50am and 2:45-3:10pm we be holding a gallery walk for parents to come into our classrooms and see our amazing creations.  


School Uniform 

Just a reminder to write your child's name on their school uniform, especially jumpers and jackets as we have noticed there have been many handed in without a name.