Foundation Learning Community

We hope you and your family had a lovely long weekend together.


Next week we will be meeting Milo's final friend, we cannot believe the growth that we have seen in the children's literacy learning. 


Next Friday the 21st we will be celebrating Milo's Birthday Surprise. The children are invited to dress up as one of Milo's friends. There is no need to go out and buy something new, something from home will be absolutely fine! If your child could please bring in a small plate of food to share for our party, that would be very much appreciated. Can you please ensure that this food is nut free. We cannot wait for this fun filled day!


Thank you for sending in special pictures and items for our History unit. 


We are looking forward to seeing you and talking about your child's progress next week at the 3 way chats. If you haven't already made a time, please log onto PAM to do so. If you are unsure on how to do this, please contact the office.


Date for the calendar: 

Milo's Birthday Surprise - 21st June. Please see your child's invite for more information! This also got sent home in your child's reader folder.