Term 2 PE and Sport at Lucas Primary School
Prep – Grade 2
This term in Physical Education our junior students have continued to develop their fundamental motor skills. Our main focus this term so far has been kicking. Students have been working on doing powerful kicks and learning the components of the kick. Students have also been learning other soccer-based skills such as dribbling, trapping and goal keeping.
Each week at the conclusion of our skill activities students have also been participating in small-sided soccer matches to put the skills they are learning into context. It has been fantastic to see how much our students have grown in their skills and understanding this term. Over the next few weeks, we are transitioning into learning AFL football skills such as how to kick a drop punt.
Grade 3 – 6
This term in Physical Education our senior students have been focusing on learning the tactics and strategies of invasion games. We have been exploring offensive strategies and about how to use the space on the court to your teams’ advantage. We are starting to transition from playing basic invasion games to sports which use those strategies such as netball.
Winter Sports:
Over the past three weeks we have had winter sports. Nearly all of our 100+ Grade 5/6 students have participated in at least one sport across our eight winter sports teams. Our boys and girls football teams both enjoyed success on the field and gelled together well off the field to enjoy a fun day down at Alfredton Recreation Reserve.
In Week 6 our soccer players ventured down to Vic Park’s new soccer facility and represented our school. We had two boy’s teams and a girls team. All teams did very well and improved across the day. Some highlights were Sahu’s goal to give the girls their first win in the last few seconds of their opening match, Wyatt’s goalkeeping and many close contests played out by our teams.
Our final winter sports day was netball at Selkirk Stadium. Our netballers had all been training very hard across the term with Miss Hay, Miss Tapscott and Mr O and the results spoke for themselves. All three teams had at least one win on the day with our A Grade mixed team competing well with many of the larger schools in town and only conceding one loss narrowly to eventual champions Black Hill. If your child has enjoyed winter sports this term, I highly recommend your child joining a local club.