Year 6

In Year 6 we have been working hard revising and reflecting on our knowledge of the Catholic faith in preparation for the Diocese wide RE test. We sat the test on Tuesday morning, completing 40 multiple choice questions relating to many different aspects of the Catholic faith. This will be good preparation for any students who may be wishing to complete the Sacrament of Confirmation later this year. We have been looking at the different sacraments in Religion, and what sacraments make up the Sacraments of Initiation, Healing and Service. 


Year 6 have been rehearsing in Kenna Hall for their plays during Drama time with Mrs. Allen. These have been very entertaining and we are all looking forward to seeing the final productions. 

The past couple of weeks have been very quiet (due to illness) in 6 Blue, however it has presented a great opportunity for the students to work one-on-one with Mrs. Neal to build on their prior knowledge. Mrs. Neal has worked with the class to build their literacy and numeracy skills during this time. 


6 Yellow worked with their Kinder Buddies on Friday to time them completing as many star jumps as they could within a particular time. 6 Yellow love seeing their Buddies and spending time outdoors with them. 


6 Maroon has been focusing on completing letter writing as part of the English program. They imagined themselves as one of the secondary characters from their text, Rabbit, Soldier, Angel, Thief by Katrina Nannestad and wrote a letter as if they were that character writing home from the battlefront in WWII.