Year 5



This term, students are studying poetry to gain a deeper understanding of the textual concepts of ‘imagery, symbol and connotation’, ‘perspective’ and ‘context’.  They have opportunities to experiment with composing different genres of poetry including limericks, sonnets and quatrains. 


Students are also learning to identify how perspective is conveyed through the authorial choices including how to use figurative language and a range of literary devices to collaboratively create poetry.


Here are some examples:


Nature by Ruby 5B

Grateful and calm,

Animals running around,

Still life, breeze through 

the trees at night.



Farming by Lamara 5B

Farming, running, 

Seeding , running. 

Cows mooing , chickens quacking.


Subway by Madeline 5B

Yummy and fresh ,

Make it , Bake it and eat it. 

The cookies give you lots of joy.



Big Macs by Suhaan 5M

At home a Big Mac's the way

To eat yummy food everyday

To enjoy a feast

And eat like a beast

Everyday a Big Macs the delicious way!


Hope by Millie and Audrey 5M

There once was a rat on a mat

He was running away from a cat

He ran home praying with hope

And then bumped into the pope

And stole his fancy white hat


Hope by Helena 5M

Hope is a wonderful feeling

Hope can be healing

I really can't cope

With this feeling of hope

Hope is so good I'm squealing


Beneath the Water by Koda 5Y

Beneath the water in the sea

The song of winds is there for me

The rhythm in the waves upon the shore do crash

Their roar like thunder in the heart of night, smash!


A Sonnet by Maci 5Y

Upon the sea a slow drift

A loud rock with a bash

Enormous waves were a little swift

Falling waves with a big crash! 


Art by Sarah 5Y

Art is colourful, easy and fun 

I just love painting and drawing the bits

I cannot stop when I am done 

My heart is happy, joyful and lit


Art can be expressive

It can be happy or sad

It can make my heart massive

Or sometimes make me mad


It's okay to have that anger inside

It's time to let it go

You should always, always say goodbye

You'll never ever know


If you want a peaceful life

Art is always nice