In our Garden

Autumn Reflections
Autumn has come and gone since our last instalment in the newsletter and we've been really busy!
Our pumpkin harvest has been a boon to the 3/4 Cooking program with Julie and her groups producing some delicious pumpkin hot cakes and scones. We also made pumpkin and basil pesto ravioli which was very tasty.
Last week we had special guest (La Kyi) who made us Karen porridge. This is nothing like the oaty porridge you might be used to! La Kyi used fresh pumpkin vine shoots, chicken and rice to make a delicious hearty and thick soup. Perfect for this chilly weather.
We've made quince tarts, citrus cakes and Jason Bentley's group made an orange self saucing pudding using the beautiful oranges and mandarins we've harvested.
Ms Leversha continues to create an extensive and tasty menu for our classes - last week we had 5 courses! Great cooking everyone.
I love how a garden can give you just what you need when you need it, this is especially true of citrus at this time of year when an extra dose of vitamin C can help you through those bothersome bugs! A big thankyou to our bountiful Lime!!
Griffindors from grade 3/4 B have been busy preparing Verge bed 6.
Pro Potatoes from 1/2 Skye have been busy turning compost and preparing bed 8 in the chook garden.
Grade 5/6 C have done some focussed work on the Hill building a new garden bed next to the retaining wall. Caterpillars from 3/4MB also helped plant and mulch tiny red veined sorrel seedlings outside the bike shed. They were super careful not to cover the little seedlings over with straw!
F/1 had an inside garden lesson last week as it was raining - we talked about parts of a plant and used our adjectives to describe the different characteristics of a selection of leaves!
Stay warm everyone and enjoy the cool fresh air.