Mindful May

Over the course of May, students and staff took part in a month-long challenge to incorporate mindfulness activities into each day. 


We enjoyed creating happiness maps, art, mindfulness jars, learning new skills in crocheting and origami, the mindful acts of journaling, breathing, and lastly pet rocks. 


Mindfulness has been shown to help lessen the impact of mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety, and to increase not only a sense of wellbeing but also boost our immunity, sense of belonging, sleep, and learning!

Refugee Week

To mark Refugee Week this year, we decided to create out own woven art. Students were encouraged to take a strip of material and weave it together with strips woven on by others. It will be on display in Library. It is titled "Woven Together".


“This weaving is created using different strips of material. We are like these strips: different sizes, shapes, colours, textures, and are woven together in community. You are not alone. You matter. You affect the outcome.  This Refugee Week, let's remember that the artwork we create (the community we are part of) depends on all of us being accepted and respected.”

Breakfast Club