Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Families,



The shop for your school promotion is on at Pacific Werribee.  We won this competition the first year it was run but finished a long way down the leaderboard last year.  So, I encourage you to upload your receipts after you shop at the centre, you will help us as we strive for first prize again.  You also have a chance to win a $200 gift card for yourself…….  The first prize stands at $15,000, with $10,000 for second and $5,000 for third.  We welcome your support.  



Student reports

Teachers are currently working hard, considering their assessment data and pupil’s work output, as they begin to put together student reports which will come home to parents at the end of term two.  The release of these reports will also create the opportunity for a parent teacher interview – which are planned for the afternoons of Monday, July 15 and Thursday, July 18 (week 2, term 3).  The opportunity to book in for one of these interviews will be released via COMPASS later in the term.  The time slots close to the end of school, or late in the evening fill very quickly.  You are advised to book them in as soon as you get the opportunity.  


Kings Birthday

A reminder that school is closed for the King’s Birthday Public Holiday 

on Monday, June 10.

Foundation enrolment for 2025

We have commenced accepting enrolments for the 2025 school year.  We encourage you to call into the office and collect the relevant paperwork if you have, or know of, a child who will be starting school with us next year.  Having names and numbers early assists us with our planning in terms of staffing and resources, and ensures your child is included in our transition program.  


Reconciliation Week (27th May to 3rd June)

National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.  Reconciliation Week is a significant time for our school community to reflect, acknowledge, and engage in meaningful conversations about reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This week students have participated in a range of activities to acknowledge Reconciliation Week, which will culminate in story time across the school tomorrow afternoon.  I am hopeful that your child has shared some of these activities with you over the course of the past few days.  You can catch up on what has been happening via some photos later in the newsletter.  


Year four camp

Most preparations are now complete for the year four camp which leaves for Lady Northcote next Wednesday.  For some of our students this will be the first time they have stayed away from home without having their parents around.  This is a big step in their lives, but I am sure they will have a great time. As always, we are indebted to the staff who willingly give up time with their own families to provide this experience for children.  

Billy G’s Cookie Dough fundraiser

This very popular fundraiser is on again and I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to get some dough to use with your family.


Congratulations on the safe arrival of our latest new additions to the WVPS Family:




Ms. Hadzic and her husband Alem on the safe of arrival of their baby boy Idris, born13th May.



Ms Nebozuk and her partner Jake on the safe arrival of their baby girl Claire, born 17th May.








Enjoy your upcoming weekend everyone………



Sue Seneviratne
