Teaching and Learning

TwistED Science
This excursion is fast approaching. Please ensure you have logged onto uEducateUs and signed the permission form. Also those families who are yet organise payment, we ask that you please do so before our excursion. Our students are very fortunate to be offered the opportunity to take their love of science and learning, outside of the classroom and visit the TwistED Science Centre in Echuca. This centre has been very kind to us and have created a program just for our kids (it has been dubbed "The Raywood Special"). This means that they have designed a program that will focus on our Term 2 Integrated Studies topics of Flight (P-6) and Electricity (Yr 3-6). We will also have the opportunity to visit the general display and exhibits which are very hands-on (and fun). This is a full day excursion and will see the students arrive as normal to school via their regular mode of transport; Hayden will be driving a mini-hire bus to Echuca and is hoping to leave by 8.45am- as our session begins at 10am sharp. Students will return to school in time to catch the regular bus home or be picked up by parents (as they normally would). More details about this excursion, including costs and what the students need are on uEducateus- please also provide permission via this ap. The date of this excursion is Wednesday June 5th. Those families with SCEF are able to use this funding to offset the cost of this excursion- please see the permission slip for details.
Simultaneous Storytime
Last week our students joined online alongside with over 2 million (yes I have that number correct) others to watch and listen to Aura Parker share her wonderful book, Bowerbird Blues. We were then inspired to get creative with our writing and art work, using the story style and pictures as our inspiration.
The senior grade wrote some bowerbird poetry in the style of Aura Parker, whilst the junior grade collected blue items and drew a bowerbird before writing about being a bowerbird. Below are some of the poems by our older students, alongside some of the junior grade art works.
Blue Love by Lily
Give everything to each other
Looking after one another
Always being there
Supporting each other
Fighting for each other
Trying not to make a mistake
Blue Love
Blue Blue Blue by Kiara
Jumping, snatching, flapping
Oh how I love seeking
Blue, more blue, more blue
Lots of types and shades of blue
Look, a peg, a hair tie, a spoon
Looking, loving, lurking, leaping
Grab, slip, slide
I lost it...
I see it again
I got it
Little Blue Thing by Skylar
'Tweet Tweet' goes the bowerbird
Wishing, swooshing around the sky
He sees something shimmering and shining
Poof! He goes flying down to the ground
The bowerbird looks and looks, then he spots it
'Tweet Tweet' he says and flies back to his bower lounge
He says 'Tweet Tweet' but in his language it is 'Home Sweet Home'
He puts a little mysterious tiny blue thing in his special draw
He meets a green bowerbird
He loves it!
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
What a busy couple of weeks we have had in the classroom. We have been reading, writing and learning about minibeasts that fly. The students loved learning about the lifecycles of butterflies and ladybirds.
In Mathematics we have been tackling the tricky task of reading, recording and (more importantly) interpreting the time. Students have made their own digital and analogue clocks and we are practicing daily with these. We have also made calendars and the absolute highlight of our day is singing the "Day of the Week" song.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
After learning about where electricity comes from, it was time for our kids to begin experimenting. With a massive collection of bulbs, wires, batteries & switches the kids have been cutting and stripping wires to build all different kinds of circuits. Whilst quite fiddly, everyone has been successful in creating different paths for electricity to go on and explaining why some circuits do and don't work. The next step is to build a small model room and put in all the electricity needed to make it functional. Watch this space.
If you wondered why the kids came home with letters written on their knuckles I can
explain myself. After a pop quiz, it was clear that the kids were not clear how many days their are in each month of the year. The starting letter of each month allowed the kids to follow their knuckles and decide if the month was a 31, 30 or 28/29. We are going to keep practicing this is class (without their knuckles being written on).
Art News from Miss Duffy
Continuing with our bird theme the student made some Monochrome Chickens. These were creating by choosing a single colour and tinting it many times to paint the monochrome stripes. The students then decorated the coloured stripes with patterns and lines.
Our current project has been making large cardboard Imagination Birds. These birds are whimsical and come directly from each student's imagination.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
Please be advised that due to Mrs Gentry taking leave in Term 3, our fortnightly MARC Library Service will not operate until September 5th. It will then visit again on Thursday September 19th. There will therefore be no student borrowing early in the term and we ask that all books borrowed in Term 2 be returned for our final Term 2 MARC session on Thursday June 27th.