From the Office

News From the Principal
2025 Enrolments
Primary and Secondary Schools all around Victoria are now taking and processing enrolments for next year.... and we are no different. I have conducted quite a number of school tours over the last couple of months and we are hoping that these turn into enrolled students. Indications so far are that we look to have the highest number of preps in that we have had in quite some time- so that is very promising and exciting.
If you know of anyone looking for a school for their child in 2025 encourage them to come and tour our wonderful school. We believe we have a great deal to offer our students and their families with a strong teaching and learning program, an exciting range of extra-curricula activities, low fees and excursions costs and a calm environment. Our 2023 Annual Report will be released soon and it demonstrates how happy and well educated our students are, out performing the state average in areas related to engagement, wellbeing and learning.
Thank you Michelle and Adam
A huge thank you to the Hartland Family for their very generous donation of sand for our new sandpit. We very much appreciate your kindness and delivery service. Our students are having an absolute blast using all of our new sandpit toys and spending their breaktimes making tunnels, building sandcastles and digging to the centre of the earth!
Exciting News For Raywood PS And Our Community
We are excited to announce that we secured an Active Schools Grant this year. This funding was provided to our school with a view to it being used to maximise student physical activity at this given time and into the future. As a school within the Raywood
Community we wanted to come up with project that would not only benefit our students but also younger students and families within the Raywood Community. With this significant amount of funding, School Council have agreed to us constructing a bike/riding track at the school This track will be constructed of asphalt and be available for riding bikes, scooters (non-motorised), using roller skates, skateboards and even just as a walking track for those with prams or just on foot. Staff have been busy in recent months designing a track, organising quotes and other behind the scenes work. I am pleased to advise that works on constructing this track will begin just prior to the end of this term and be completed over the holiday break.
Whilst initially we will not be supplying "wheels" and safety gear for our students, we do hope to secure some sponsorship and raise funds to buy some scooters, helmets, elbow/knee pads and possibly some other modes of transport.
I am sure you are all as excited as these kids are (as per the photo above) and can't wait to try it out. We hope to hold a Grand Opening early in Term 3 - stay tuned!
Don't Let This Be You
Here's hoping that you have all marked the end of term student performance of Alice In Wonderland on your calendars. A reminder that this performance is on Friday June 28th and commence at 1pm. We ask our audience to arrive from 12.45pm to ensure we are ready to begin on time. The performance will be in the main building. A huge thank you to families and community members who have sent along items for props and costumes. We really do appreciate the effort you have gone to.
Winter Sports
Our Year 3-6 students are excited to participate in the Campaspe Small School's Winter Sports Day on Monday June 17th. The students will choose between football, soccer and netball and play alongside and against each other and students from the other five Campaspe Small Schools Cluster. This day is being held at Colbinabbin and will run at the recreation reserve. We have hired a minivan to transport the Year 3-6 students to and from this event. Please log onto uEducateUs to read what the students need to bring and the other details of this event as well as provide permission for your child to attend.
Our students have continued to enjoy their weekly tennis coaching sessions on a Friday. We will continue to have these sessions each Friday until the final week of term. Due to the student performance taking place on the final Friday of Term 2 our tennis session on this week will be on Monday June 24th at 12pm. If any parents wanted to come along and watch (and maybe even join in on a session) they are running each Friday from 12-1pm except for that last week when the session is on the Monday.
School Council
Our next meeting is Monday June 24th starting at 5pm. Council members will receive their pre-reading packs in the week prior to the meeting.
Council have granted permission for the first day of Term 3- Monday July 15th to be a whole-school curriculum day. On this day, Lisa and Hayden will attend a Professional Learning Day at California Gully PS alongside our other Bendigo Small Schools network. This day will focus on the teaching and assessment of Writing, which has been a major focus for our school over the past 18 months. Students will commence Term 3 on Tuesday July 16th.
Lunch Orders
Yesterday was the final day for lunch orders from Raywood Eats. Due to the garage lease being sold, the van will no longer be in operation. Thank you to Raywood Eats for their Wednesday service.
We will continue to offer a heated up lunch via our pie warmer each day for the remainder of Term 2 and all of Term 3. We hope to offer Special Lunches (maybe two per term) to our students, with a minimal charge. (This is subject to School Council approval). Some ideas the kids have come up with is tacos, spaghetti bolognaise and hamburgers. We will provide families with plenty of notice before these lunches occur and of course families always have the option of supplying their own child/ren's lunches on the day.
Our first Special Lunch will be on Monday June 24th and students will be able to have a hotdog in a bun or bread for their lunch. As it is part of our end of term and final tennis session celebration, there will be no charge for this treat.
Get Your PJ's Out!
Our Year Six Leaders are organising a PJ Day. This is where we invite students and staff to come dressed in the pyjamas for the day. Students will be treated to a movie in the afternoon so we really can embrace that stay in your PJ's and relax kind of mood. We will be watching the movie Paper Planes as a conclusion to our Integrated Studies unit on Flight. Students are asked to wear appropriate outdoor footwear and bring a jacket for when outside. (We will stay out of the sandpit on this day to avoid dirty and sandy PJ's).
This day is taking place in the final week of Term on Wednesday June 26th.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
News From Bree in the Office
Camp Payments and Deposits
In February of this year, expression of interest forms were distributed to families for both the 3/4 Kookaburra Camp and the 5/6 Anglesea Camps. A $50 deposit was requested to secure participation. Regrettably, no deposits have been received so far. Prompt payment of the deposit is greatly appreciated. The approximate cost for the 3/4 Kookaburra camp is $300, while the 5/6 Anglesea Camp costs $430 for students opting for surf lessons and $380 for those who do not. Please note that these are estimated expenses; the final cost will be confirmed closer to the camp, pending final participant numbers. We recognise the financial challenge this may pose for families and are open to accommodating small, periodic payments. Please contact Bree for further discussion. Additionally, individuals who have received CSEF funding may apply it towards both the deposit and the camp. Inform Bree if you wish to use this option. Thank you.