Maths At St John's


There has been lots of great Maths learning happening around the school by both students and staff!


This week, our GRIN Tutors - Kim, Mel and Lipo and I are heading to Monash University for our third professional learning session. Grin is an intervention Support Program to assist students Getting Ready In Maths. Our GRIN Tutors have been busy conducting sessions with some of our students from Years 2-6, who are learning and being supported along the way from our expert, Mel Kerwin, who has been running GRIN at St John’s for many years. We are excited that we are already starting to see some growth in mathematical results AND confidence from the students involved in this program.


On Wednesday, our Year 3-6 Team will be participating in the Teaching for Impact in Mathematics Series where they will explore the high-quality Ochre teaching resources and learn about incorporating more high-impact instruction into their classrooms. 

The Year P-2 Team attended this professional learning earlier in the year and have already been utilising some of the resources and high-impact instruction strategies in their classrooms. 


In Year 1/2, we have been learning about Measurement - Length, Mass and Capacity. We spent lots of time exploring and measuring the length and weight of objects around the classroom and the capacity of various containers. 

We selected appropriate uniform informal units to measure, such as unifix cubes, paper clips and footprints, sand and lots more. We used language such as longer, shorter, lighter, heavier, holds less and holds more to describe and compare objects and containers. We had lots of fun in the sand pit measuring the capacity of various sized containers.

This was one of our place value activities, in Year 1/2. 

We are learning to efficiently count collections by using rows of ten.



I put up some cards on the wall and some have fallen off. 

  • How many do you think I put up altogether? 
  • How many are missing?
  • Make sure you show how you worked it out. 

Get the Maths Challenge from your teacher and post it in the Maths Challenge box by Friday, 7 June.

Winners will be announced at the assembly!!


Anna Hendy

St John's Maths Leader