Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

It is an exciting time for our teachers as they complete their midyear assessments for our students and see the amazing growth that your children have made across the curriculum. We value the partnership with our parents as the first educators of our students and look forward to sharing their Semester 1 reports with you at the end of this term.

Assessment and reporting at St John's, provides a strong base for authentic communication about our students' learning progress, between our teachers, students and families. As partners in the learning our teachers are constantly developing their practice and pedagogy, to ensure our students are making positive growth. This is achieved through high impact teaching strategies, collecting data and providing feedback.

Parents will be given the opportunity to meet with the teachers early in Term 3, as the next phase of our reporting and feedback process. If parents would like to meet with the class teacher prior to this, please arrange a suitable time via email.

Our Student and teachers are always uploading new tasks to the Seesaw Digital Portfolios. This provides an online record for parents and families to view their child's learning and achievements, which aligns with the results in the student reports.

This week we formally welcome back Clorinda Maio to fulltime work in our Year 1/2A Class. It is great to see that she is almost back to full strength, following a rigorous rehabilitation program. We are also very grateful that Andrea Frixou was able to be the main teacher in Year 1/2A during this time, supported by Colleen. Our students have flourished under their care and guidance.

Our Junior students were buzzing today as they discovered the wonders of bees, including their honey, wax and honeycomb. As part of this special incursion each student from Year P-4 made a beeswax wrap, which they will be able to take home and use in their lunchbox each day. This will be a great way to help eliminate the use of cling wrap in our students lunchboxes. Next Monday our Year 5/6 students will have the opportunity to make their own beeswax wrap also.

School Closure Day - Tuesday 11 June

On Tuesday, 11 June, we will be having a Whole School Closure Day. This is the day after the King's Birthday long weekend holiday. The Staff will be continuing their Professional Learning, working with MACS staff, to develop our understanding and practices in Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL).

We are refining our Framework of Behaviour Expectations around Respect, Safety and Responsibility. We will also be developing a new Flowchart of Consequences for inappropriate behaviours, based on Minor behaviours and Major behaviour breeches.


Camp Australia will be running a full day program on this day, so please book in if you need this service for any part of the day. Register your child

Reconciliation Week - 27 May to 3 June

National Reconciliation Week is a time for our students and all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. This week we will participate in a variety of events and activities to teach our students about what they can do to help build reconciliation throughout our community and across Australia.

  • Our FIRE Carrier leaders and representatives from Year 5/6 joined the Long Walk at Aquinas College on Monday. 
  • The Year 5/6 students will take part in a Ceremony and watch a film at Whitehorse Council on Tuesday.
  • The Whole School will take part in the Long Walk around Mitcham and a liturgy on Friday morning at 9am. Parents and Guardians are welcome to join us.
  • Students may wear red, black and yellow on Friday and bring in a gold coin donation for 'Opening the Doors Foundation' supporting indigenous students in school

Are You Eligible to Apply? - CSEF Payment

The Victorian State Government has a Camp, Sport & Excursion Fund for families that are eligible. Qualifying for this fund can lead to further relief for school fees through MACS. Please click on the link below which contains the criteria eligibility and CSEF application form. If you believe you are eligible to apply please leave your signed form at the office or email it to Jenny.

Maths Jokes

Did you hear about the mathematician who was afraid of negative numbers?

He'd stop at nothing to avoid them. :)


Have a great week ahead and please let me know if I can assist you and your family in any way.


Verona Gridley
