Principal's Report 

 We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.

We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.

May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.

School Review

The School Review has continued across the school this week. Today, we have completed our Fieldwork Day, involving student and staff interviews, classroom observations and observations of our teacher teams planning. The process has been most comprehensive and will result in feedback that will acknowledge our practices and processes, as well as identify areas of focus for our next four-year Strategic Plan.

Parent Forum

As part of the School Review, we are inviting families to engage in a Parent Forum on Friday morning in the Gymnasium. 

As a school, we acknowledge the short notice that is being provided. However, this opportunity to add this component to the review was offered and so the decision has been made to offer our parents a voice and engagement in the review process.

The forum will begin at approximately 8:45 am and take no more than 30 minutes of your time. We encourage everyone that is able to pop in and engage with us in this important process to do so. 

Reconciliation Week

This week we have acknowledged Reconciliation Week K-6. Our students have been immersed in beautiful books that share stories of culture and have reflected on our own school values and our connection and understanding of Indigenous Culture.

Learning Celebrations

Across the term our students are working behind the scenes to contribute proud pieces of work to their Learning Portfolio. The portfolios will be shared with families throughout the year. Every fortnight however, our students have the opportunity to share elements of their learning with home, via SeeSaw. Please take the opportunity to check in and acknowledge the experiences and pieces shared on this platform and celebrate your child's learning!


We have our school assembly this Friday at 2:30 pm. See you there!


Enjoy the rest of the week,


Kylie Nissen.