Year Four Team News
with Rebecca, Brittlee, Toni & Matt
Year Four Team News
with Rebecca, Brittlee, Toni & Matt
Fortnightly Curriculum Focus
Literacy: In Reading, Year 4 students are looking at conventions within a text through the novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone written by JK Rowling. Students are working through summarising strategies to remember previous events in the story whilst continuing the novel. Students have also worked through understanding a Point of View and what words imply differing perspectives and how this can impact the reader through persuasive texts. Continuing into weeks 7 and 8 students will investigate how to analyse the main idea of a text.
In Writing, we have been working our way through the Writing Process with our persuasive text unit. Students have been given a topic, planned and are working through drafting their own persuasive text. Students are learning to identify their audience, craft compelling paragraphs, use persuasive techniques to strengthen their arguments, and structure their writing effectively.
Continuing into weeks 7 and 8 students will revise over the different sentence types including compound and complex sentences.
Numeracy: In Numeracy, Year 4 students have worked through multiple strategies, connecting the multiplication and division concepts together by learning fact family relationships. Students have solved algorithms and worded problems, using their knowledge of multiplication to support solving division related questions. Students are continuing Number Sense activities, learning new games to target differing multiplies to expand their knowledge in multiplication. Students are continuing to use online programs such as Essential Assessment, reinforcing skills whilst targeting specific individual goals. In Week 7 students will start a new topic of data where they will be collecting and analysing survey information and learning to represent this using a variety of graphs. In week 8 students will begin working on Money and financial mathematics.
Inquiry: Students have worked through discovering when European settlement occurred and how this impacted the lives and culture of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Students will begin investigating figures that have made a change, what change they made and how this has impacted society.
Willy Kids & Respectful Relationships:
Our fortnightly focus has been: Willy Kids are Problem Solvers. Students were given differing scenarios of being stranded on an island and having different challenges to each other. In groups students had to solve the problems and explain their reasonings.
This week grade 4 students have studied Respectful Relationships lessons on strengths, what this means and how this looks in and outside of the classroom.
Warm regards,
The Grade Four Team - Matt Eason-Jones (4E), Rebecca Givogue & Toni Lind (4G), Brittlee Salvo (4S)