Year One Team News
with Anna, Zoe, Edan & Claire
Year One Team News
with Anna, Zoe, Edan & Claire
We have just ticked over the halfway point of this long term! The students have been continuing to show great enthusiasm and resilience each week. As the weather gets colder, please ensure that your child brings a jumper to school each day and we ask that if your child is unwell, to please keep them home until they are better. This helps to keep other students and staff well. Thank you for your support.
National Simultaneous Storytime
Yesterday, we celebrated National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS), where every class from Prep to Year 6 read the same story - Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker. NSS is a fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book that explores age appropriate themes. The Year Ones particularly enjoyed reading this book as they have recently become bowerbird experts after writing information reports on them during Writing. We have also enjoyed participating in activities about the book.
Curriculum Focus: Weeks 7- 8
Reading: We have just finished learning and then revising stage 7.2 of the Little Learners Love Literacy Program. Week 7 will see us at stage 7.3 of the program when we will be learning about the phoneme /oo/ (as in goose). In Week 8, we will be learning about the phoneme /ul/ represented by the grapheme ‘le’.
Writing: This week we are finishing writing our reports on Bowerbirds. Next, we will be continuing to learn how to create an information report on another chosen animal. Our focus for information reports include writing structure, summarising facts learned and using writing techniques to engage the readers.
Numeracy: We will be focusing on addition and subtraction and practising different strategies to solve problems. During Week 7, we will be focusing on telling time to the hour and half-hour using analogue and digital clocks.
Inquiry: Our topic this term is “How and why do we care for animals? How do animals care for us?”. We have started class rotations where each class spends time with each Year One teacher with a different lesson focus.
Willy Kids/Respectful Relationships: Our Willy Kids focus is “Willy Kids have a growth mindset". We will be discussing and practising having a positive attitude towards trying new things and persisting when faced with challenges. During our Respectful Relationships sessions our topic this term is Personal Strengths. We will be learning to identify and describe personal strengths, explain how these strengths contribute to school and family life, as well as identifying ways to care for others, including ways of making and keeping friends.
Warm regards,
The Grade One Team – Zoe Kitchen & Anna Swan (1K), Edan Bacegga (1B) & Claire Davies (1D)