Wellbeing Report 

Monitoring the Wellbeing of our students – PIVOT Wellbeing Survey

Caring for the Wellbeing of our students is a high priority at Nazareth. 

Once again this year to assist us to monitor this with real time data, we use the Pivot Wellbeing Check-in Survey.

Pivot Wellbeing Survey

Pivot Professional Learning has collaborated with wellbeing, education and mental health experts to identify the key components of wellbeing and the impact these have on a student’s ability to learn at school. From this research, Pivot has created a new tool to measure, track and support student wellbeing.

How the Wellbeing for Learning tool works

The Wellbeing for Learning check-in has been designed to help students and teachers monitor and understand wellbeing. The check-in takes one minute, once a week to complete and students are asked to answer questions on:



We will present these results to our students, opening up discussions around areas for conversation, such as the importance of ‘help seeking’, and unpacking the variety of people and resources available to them. You might also like to talk to your children about who the adults are in their life they feel they can turn to, and help them to understand the importance of seeking the advice and help of trusted adults.


As the Wellbeing of our students is constantly changing, we continue to monitor the data we receive to be able to address concerning areas in a timely manner.

Year 7 incursion – ‘STEP UP’

Last Tuesday our Year 7 students participated in an Incursion run by Success Integrated called ‘Step Up’ to success.

The students were thoroughly entertained and engaged by presenter Darren and DJ Daniela, all while learning about important concepts to motivate them to be their best. The focus was on transition to secondary school.

Getting transition right is challenging for most schools. Everything from establishing new friendships, to adjusting to new teachers, new subjects, a higher work ethic and becoming independent learners can create a sense of trepidation for the incoming student and their family. This program is designed to help Year 7 students adjust to their new environment and new expectations by developing their skills to create positive friendships, the right work ethic & foundational study tips to transition effectively into high school. Students have come away with a workbook full of ideas to put into practice in their everyday life.

Year 11 Pat Cronin Foundation Incursion – Next Tuesday

It will be our pleasure to welcome the Pat Cronin Foundation to Nazareth next week to speak to our Year 11 students on avoiding conflict and violent situations. The presentation will delve deeper into the triggers of social conflict and vital strategies, examining: 

▶ Conflict.

▶ Physiological responses to threats. 

▶ Strategies to avoid violence

Pat Cronin was a gentle natured 19 year-old boy, killed by a single Coward Punch in 2016 while helping a mate who was being attacked. The force of that punch fractured Pat’s skull, causing an inoperable bleed on his brain. Two days later, Pat’s parents Matt and Robyn Cronin, made the agonising decision to turn off his life support. The presentation uses Pat’s story as an illustration of what can happen when young people are faced with violence, and how wiser choices can be made.


The Foundation provides an optimistic voice by empowering young Australians to say no to violence.

Please open the following link to find out more about this important presentation:


This week’s focus is on EMPATHY.

Working on empathy helps us to identify, understand and feel what another person is feeling. When we show empathy or we do something kind for someone else our brain releases oxytocin. This leads to increasing our self-esteem/confidence, energy levels, positivity and overall happiness.

Whole Family Activity:

Neighbourhood Kindness Challenge

As a family, choose an act of kindness from the list below that you would like to do for a neighbour or family friend. Each family member can select one to commit to, or you can choose to do one together.

  • Cook them something delicious like a cake, hot bread, or cookies.
  • Write a note to put in their letterbox thanking them for being a great neighbour or friend.
  • Design them a Thank You card.
  • Pick or buy some flowers to deliver to them.
  • Choose a little plant from your garden to give them.
  • Make them a gift from things around your house.
  • Offer to do a job for them, like wash their car or water their garden.
  • Offer to take their pets for a walk.
  • Invite them over for afternoon tea.
  • Invite them on a walk.
  • Recommend one of your favourite books to borrow and read.
  • Ask them if they need anything from the shops next time you buy groceries.
  • Say hello next time you see them, and ask them how their day is going.

Feel free to do more than one and spread the kindness even further!

Report back to each other in one week and share how your acts of kindness were received, and how doing them made you feel.

Family Habit Builder:

Every night at dinner, have each person thank another family member for something they’ve done or said today, or give another family member a compliment.


A reminder to check out their website for more information:

The Resilience Project

And check out TRP@HOME; a place filled with inspiration and activities for the whole family,  to help improve your wellbeing and build resilience.


And also the Parent and Carer Hub:


Have a great week!



Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing