Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Mothers' Day

On the weekend we celebrated Mothers' Day. It is a blessing that we are given this day to celebrate, remember, give thanks for and pray for our Mothers and for those women who have been a motherly presence in our lives. By its very nature, from the moment of conception ,motherhood is selfless and leads the woman even within her body to share, be mindful of the other, consider their needs and give of themselves in service. It is mothers who, in their very being, embody love and show us what it means to love. This follows the model of Jesus Christ who laid down his life for His friends (John 15:13). As students and staff at Nazareth College, may we be inspired by the example of the mothers, grandmothers and motherly figures in our life who show us how to love. May this lead us to being people who think of the needs of others, who deeply care for all the members of our community and desire and work for their good. We give thanks to God for all these wonderful women and ask God to bless them now and always.

Child Safety

As a part of our child safety procedure each term we have a lockdown or evacuation drill. This took place on Monday and the students conducted themselves very well. Each time we run the drill we reflect and learn different things we can do to improve our processes. This is a really positive and proactive way for us to working on the safety for all. Thankyou to all the staff and students for their support with the drill.

Year 11 Nazareth Debutante Ball

Some enthusiastic Year 11 students have spoken to the College about hosting a Debutante Ball for the Year 11 students. The students and the College are very excited about this opportunity. There will be an information session for any students and their parents/guardians/carers on Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 6.00 pm at the College. We hope to see a good number of students and their parents/guardians/carers in attendance.

Student Education

The parents/guardians/carers are the primary educators of their children and we, as a school, are blessed to be able to work with and support families in the education of their child. For the most successful outcomes for students the school and family need to be unified and working closely together. A big thank you to the many parents/guardians/carers who are regularly working with us, talking, meeting, emailing or on the phone to ensure we are aware of whatever we need to be able to best care for and educate the young people entrusted to us, as well as supporting each other in the formation of the young people we are so privileged and blessed to have in our community. Please feel most welcome to contact the relevant staff member if you have any questions, or to pass on concerns or issues we should be aware of for the education of your child.

Middle of Term 2

As we move into the middle of the term we acknowledge it has been a great start by most students and has been a busy time for all. The virtue of perseverance is important at this stage and we encourage and support all students to work consistently and keep at it as we enter the winter months.


God Bless.


Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students