Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends of Nazareth


Recently, the State and Federal Governments Budgets have been announced.  It is pleasing to read that many measures have been devised in order to assist families in these times of need.


The Allan Labour Government announced a $400.00 school saving bonus for all Government school students, but only Health Care/Pension card holders in the Catholic system will receive this bonus.


Since this announcement, Catholic school representatives have expressed that this type of measure is unfair for Catholic school families, calling it 'discriminatory and grossly unfair'.


We are lobbying the Victorian State Government to make the payment apply to all students, or that it should be means tested, as it has always been for the Camps, Sport and Excursion Fund (CSEF).


I encourage you to have your say.  If you feel strongly about this issue, please contact your local MP and express your views.  This will assist us in our quest to support all families in Catholic schools.

On that note, I also encourage families that are struggling with school fee payments to please contact the College to discuss your issues and we can offer ways in which the College can assist.


This week the new Counselling facility, named Nazareth House, will open.  Students and staff will use the new facility exclusively for counselling services, as well as a meeting place for staff.

In conclusion, may I encourage all families to please support the College in its quest to continue to strive for improvement both academically and conforming to all school rules.


God Bless



Mr Sam Cosentino
