Careers News 

VCE and Careers Expo

Our Year 12 cohort attended the VCE and Careers Expo on Friday 3 May.  Our students were fortunate to meet Andrew Douch, an award-winning former teacher, who is now a sought-after conference presenter and is in demand as a facilitator of professional learning workshops at all levels of education.


Andrew was recognised by our students as the presenter of the Biology content on Edrolo, a teaching resource used at Nazareth.


By the end of this week, all Year 10 and 12 students will have had an opportunity to visit a careers expo to help navigate the many post school options available. Many have come back with valuable information, and some have returned with prizes.


Year 12 VCE students attended the VCE and Careers Expo at the Melbourne Convention Centre. There were a large amount of Universities, TAFEs, Apprenticeship companies, Employment companies and even interstate Tertiary providers for students to glean information on. Check out the photos:

Year 10 LEAP and Year 11 VCE VM students attended the Try a Trade Expo where the emphasis was on trades, Apprenticeships and TAFE’s. there was a few hands on experiences for students to try out. 


Year 10, 11 and 12 International students attended an International Career Expo specifically designed for application and opportunities for International students. Agents and translators were also in attendance to assist. This was a most valuable experience for them. 

Careers Website

Last week, Year 11s were introduced the many features of the College Careers Website. They were also able to begin the new Careers CoPilot program to help make post secondary pathway decisions in regard to interests and formulate a Career Action Plan. Students were also shown the Cover Letter and Resume Templates they can use if they are considering applying for part time and casual positions. 


This resource holds a HUGE amount of information and is applicable to students of all ages and also to parents 

As well as having a specific section to help parents, did you know that parents and students can sign up for a careers newsletter and newsfeed with careers information? The newsletter sign up is under important information. The newsfeed sign up is under parent information...newsfeed. 

The link to this can be found on the College website under the 'Careers Help Advice' on the top of the home page.

Nazareth Careers

Year 10 Work Experience

Students are working through Workplace Health and Safety Modules in preparedness for Work Experience. Not long to go now!



Mrs Elena Flodstrom & Ms Theresa Lochery

Careers and Pathways Team