
Vinnies Winter Appeal

As we move towards winter, let us think about those in our community who are struggling. 


The College’s Winter Appeal was launched last week by both the Vinnies and the School Leaders. We are URGING EVERY STUDENT at Nazareth College to get on board by supporting those within our community who are struggling,...EVERY...SINGLE...DAY.


Your donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries go a long way to alleviating the suffering experienced by so many. 


May we demonstrate generosity, lend a helping hand, do good work, and help those in our community who are vulnerable. 


Items can be placed in Pastoral areas or directly at the Resource Centre. May every student donate- consider a meal (jar of pasta sauce and packet of pasta), or fill a toiletry bag. Your generosity changes lives!


Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. May the Holy Spirit set our hearts ablaze with the fire of God’s love that we may serve Him in joy. May we show the fruits of the Spirit in our daily lives: especially generosity and kindness in supporting the St Vinnies Appeal.


A Prayer for courage, wisdom, faith and love

Lord, grant us

Courage to do right 

when doing wrong or nothing at all 

would be easier.

Wisdom to say the right thing at the right time 

because words have the power to help or to hurt.

Faith in the goodness of humankind 

because living in doubt and fear is not living as you 

meant it to be.

And, most important, Love,

The kind that gives without demanding, 

supports without holding too tightly, 

And understands that we are, all of us, imperfect.



Prayer From Christopher Gleeson sj, David Lovell Publishing: Melbourne, A Canopy of Stars, 2004, p.138.



Holy Family of Nazareth - be our inspiration and our guide.

Jesus of Nazareth - help us to grow in Faith, Wisdom and Knowledge