Early Learning Centre (ELC)

Class 3 Educators

On this page: Upcoming ELC events / Outdoor Classroom Day

Upcoming ELC events

For all calendar dates please see the Google Calendar 



Monday 27 May - Monday 3 June

  • Reconciliation Week

Monday 3 June

  • Parent Coffee Connect: 8:35am - 9:00am 

Tuesday 4 June

  • Principal's Tour: 9:00am - 11:00am

Monday 10 June

  • King's Birthday Public Holiday

Outdoor Classroom Day

What a beautiful day of learning we had in Class 3 as we embraced Outdoor Classroom Day within our Class 3 wing. 


As an ELC, we joined the global movement to inspire and celebrate outdoor play and learning at home and school. With children spending more time indoors, the movement aims to focus on the wonder of outdoor learning, an important part of children’s health, wellbeing and development. 


As a cohort of threes, both Class Blue and Yellow combined, we adapted our routines to make the most of the day. We spent our group gatherings, meal times and even rest time in the outdoor environment. Our learners engaged in nature hunts, outdoor nature play, gross motor climbing, imaginative sand play and many other outdoor experiences. 


What a beautiful day of outdoor learning and a wonderful time of collaboration within our Class 3 community. 


Class 3 Educators