School Calendar

Reconciliation Family Workshop

Thursday 30th May at 5:30pm in the Year 4/5 classroom for the Year 3/4 students who are making their Reconciliation and their families.




Monday 3rd June

9.15am Whole School Mass

Holy Family Church


Tuesday 4th June 

Mothers English Class Every Tuesday

Wellsprings for Women

9.30am to 11.30am

During School Term

FREE and available to all women.  Join in and make connections, 

practice English and learn about living in Australia.

Children welcome as Child Minder will be in the room.




Wednesday 5th June

Leap into Learning Playgroup

9.00am to 10.30am

School Readiness Playgroup all welcome






Wednesday 5th June

Soccer Academy 

St Johns College

Senior Students


Friday 7th June: School Closed to Students.  

Teacher Professional Learning Day: Mental Health in Schools 

(Aligns with Kings Birthday for Families)

Monday 10th June - Public Holiday

School Closed



Tuesday 11th June 

Mothers English Class Every Tuesday

Wellsprings for Women

9.30am to 11.30am



Wednesday 12th June

Leap into Learning Playgroup

9.00am to 10.30am

School Readiness Playgroup all welcome






Wednesday 12th June

Soccer Academy 

St Johns College

Senior Students


Tuesday 18th June 

Mothers English Class Every Tuesday

Wellsprings for Women

9.30am to 11.30am



Wednesday 19th June

Leap into Learning Playgroup

9.00am to 10.30am

School Readiness Playgroup all welcome






Wednesday 19th June

Soccer Academy 

St Johns College

Senior Students


Thursday 20th June

Sacrament of Reconciliation

5.30pm to 6.30pm


Tuesday 25th June 

Mothers English Class Every Tuesday

Wellsprings for Women

9.30am to 11.30am



Wednesday 26th June

Leap into Learning Playgroup

9.00am to 10.30am

School Readiness Playgroup all welcome






Wednesday 26th June

Soccer Academy 

St Johns College

Senior Students



Friday 28th June

Last Day of Term 2







School Closure Dates:

Monday July 15: School Closed to Students. 

Teacher RE Curriculum Focus Day (First day of Term 3)


Monday October 7: School Closed to Students. 

Staff RE Formation (First Day of Term 4)


Monday November 4: School Closed to Students.

Teacher Professional Practice Day (Aligns with Melbourne Cup)


The Final Day for students is Tuesday 17th December 2024. 

The Teachers have a planning day for 2025, First Aid and Clean Up in the days that follow.