Luke Sharp
Year 10 and First Nations Coordinator
Year 10
Students are gearing up for their mid-year exams, marking the first time they will undertake exams for all their subjects. The exams are scheduled for week 8, from 3-7 June. It is compulsory for students to wear full academic uniform during the exams. Failure to comply with this policy will result in students having to retake exams during the catch-up sessions.
Catch-up exams are set to occur during the designated times as outlined in the timeline previously distributed to students.
Students should come to school only at their designated exam times and must know their exam schedule to organize transportation to and from the College. The only exception is on Monday, when students have a scheduled revision session in the L building's classroom for period 4, (between the Literacy and Elective block exams). Attendance at this session is compulsory, as exams will follow during periods 5 and 6.