God, our Father, we ask that you may help us walk in the footsteps of Jesus, caring for one another and for the earth, bringing justice, peace and hope wherever we may be each minute of our school day.  Help us to be true reflections of your love and light in all that we do. May the spirit of Catholic Schools Week inspire us to live out our faith with joy and enthusiasm each day.

We make our prayer through Christ, our Lord. 


We pray ... 

for..... our school community as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, and for all candidates who are preparing to make their First Reconciliation and First Eucharist this term. 


Next Wednesday Year 4 will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation and Year 3 will have a class visit with one of our Parish Priets.


Family Masses

Our next Family Mass will be held this Sunday 2nd June (Year 3) at St Nicholas Church at 9.30a.m. 


These Masses are an opportunity for our school community to come together with our Parish Community to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word and to share a ‘cuppa ‘and morning tea afterwards.


The Month of Mary

May is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We can take the month of May as an opportunity to renew our own devotion to the Mother of God by dusting off our rosary beads and adding a few more Marian prayers to our daily routine. Prayers such as The Angelus, The Regina Caeli and The Memorae are some that can be included in your daily prayer as well as saying the Rosary.


First Reconciliation and First Eucharist 

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation and program has begun for our students. Please ensure you have completed the Information Sheet online or handed in a hard copy to the school office.

https://stnicholasparish.org.au/ (under the 'Sacraments' tab)


This term our Year 6 students will be participating in the annual Religion Education Test on Tuesday 18th June.