P & C News



DATE: Wednesday 22nd May 2024



ATTENDEES: Elizabeth S, Kylie C, Jennifer H, Karen G, Andrea M, Siobhan B, Hayaat C, Moussa C, Karla Wilson, Kristy Bentley








Thank You

I would like to thank Mrs Wilson’s for transitioning me into the role of principal at Peakhurst PS, and there are days she is holding my hand as I find my way. She has spoken highly of the dedicated P&C and the supports you provide to making Peakhurst the best school it can be.


A little about me. I have been working with the Department of Education since 1999, where I started my teaching career In the Liverpool Network. Since then, I have taught mainstream K-6 and Support Unit classes, seconded as a Behaviour Support Teacher in the Fairfield Network, Assistant Principal and Highly Accomplished Teacher in the Strathfield Network, Deputy Principal in the Fairfield Network and Principal in the Auburn Network. I dabbled in corporate for a term and missed the school environment and the students – the reason I came into teaching in the first place, and I returned to the school world where I believe the magic happens.

The opportunity of principalship at Peakhurst PS attracted me with the academic achievements, opportunities for extracurricular through sport and creative arts and the connection between the teaching and learning foci driving the school in high expectations, explicit teaching and using data to inform decision making.

I have felt very welcomed into the community by staff, students, and families. It has been my aim to visit every classroom, and I can report I only have 3 more classes. I have been particularly impressed with the explicit teaching of writing across the school and the strong focus of grammar.

I have high expectations of the school communities I work within and strive to build a culture of mutual respect and partnership between home and school. I expect every student to demonstrate growth in their learning and celebrate the successes no matter how small. I hope together we can build relational trust between myself and the families, as you have developed with Mrs Wilson and the staff who have worked within this community for many years.

Building Works

· Toilets – The junior toilets are operational and have been well received by the students. The senior toilets are complete, and we are awaiting the final inspection and handover from Assets.

· Asbestos – We have been resolving asbestos in A Block. I have been reassured these are low levels of exposure. This has occurred due to the age of the building. The DET are monitoring this and have been working closely with me to rectify immediately.

Sentral Parent Platform

The process has commenced. Mrs Schafer and Mrs Wilson are leading this process. Most issues are related to registering with Sentral and forgetting to attach your child. The office is providing support in connecting students to the Parent Portal.

Communication including school reports will be sent home via the portal at the end of the term. ClassDojo will remain for class and small group stories.


Mrs Bentley invited feedback from P&C of things the school does well and room for improvement.

Canteen Tender

· This is ready for review. Information has been advertised with 5 interested companies. It would be beneficial to have a parent on the panel for the Canteen Tender. Please let me know if you are interested.


Mothers Day Stall


· The stall was a success. We sold approximately 460 gifts with a profit of approximately $1,500.

· We would like to thank all of the volunteers who helped on the day and with set up – Jana, Pravina, Melani, Cecelia, Sam, Enas, Siobhan, Miriam, Casey, Andrea, Kylie, Claire, Mel, Carolyn, Lin and Jinru.

· Also thank you to our office staff who sold gifts on our behalf on Friday.

· Gifts were purchased from Victoria's Basement, Moon and Back, Smart Gift Ideas, Smelty, and a small amount from Kmart.

· Sarah asked for feedback on affordability for families. The consensus was that the current level is ok.


Sports Shirts


· The new long sleeve sports shirts are now available at Claudines for winter.




· Flagging that disco preparations need to begin at the next meeting. Please consider theme and any other ideas.




Mark Coure, State member for Georges River attended the meeting to discuss grant opportunities.


There is a Community Partnership Grant that his office has available. It opens yearly, usually in August. Various community groups can apply for the grant, including schools. This might be a good opportunity for our school to apply for help with playground upgrades. The grant application is done by the P&C.


Mr Coure asked whether there are any other issues affecting the school. The traffic issues around Bailey Parade and Greenland Ave were discussed. Mr Coure said he would write a letter to the traffic controllers committee at council regarding enforcement of the rules.





Shade structure – Mrs Schafer has sought quotes for a new shade cover/cola in the junior playground. The proposed location is outside of the kindy classrooms. This would provide the juniors with an outside area during wet weather, shade and learning environment. So far we have received 2 quotes details of which will be considered.


Parking - There are ongoing issues at Bailey Pde and Greenland Ave with people parking in the Kiss and Ride for long periods, pulling onto the footpath near the Greenland Ave gate blocking students walking, general congestion and unsafe driving with children around.



Mrs Bentley indicated that she was advised by our crossing guard that the signage explaining the Kiss and Ride rules had been removed by someone unknown. Our crossing guard had asked Transport for NSW to bring new signage.


Mrs Bentley will publish information to the school community about following the road rules and safe driving.


Online P&C meetings – proposed to hold future P&C meetings on Zoom to make it easier for more people to attend. The plan will be alternating in person and Zoom meetings. The agenda to be sent out before the meeting.


Year 6 farewell - The Mortdale Community Centre has been booked for the year 6 farewell.





The next P&C meeting will take place on Monday 24 June 2024 at 7pm in the Gumbuyah centre . A notice will be placed in eNews.