Principal's message

SRC Fundraising

Thank you to our SRC students who planned and executed a successful fundraiser to purchase paper and cardboard recycling bins for every classroom. The fundraiser was a real success and new recycling bins are already in use. It is wonderful to see student voice in decision making to improve our school. 


Cold and Flu

During the winter months there is an increase in the number of students attending school with cold and flu like symptoms. While classrooms remain ventilated, and the practicing of good hygiene including regular hand washing and access to hand sanitizer are in place, we also ask for students who present with the following symptoms to remain at home until they are symptom free. These symptoms may include:

  • a fever of 38°C or above
  • vomiting or diarrhoea
  • cough or respiratory symptoms
  • cold or flu symptoms.

If your child is absent from school, please access the Sentral Parent Portal or call the office to update your child's attendance record.


Planned Professional Learning - Twilight Sessions

A focus for 2024 to build teacher expertise is to take a deep dive into what matters most in learning, teaching, and leading quality educational programs. This work is focused on the research developed by Lyn Sharratt. To enable teachers to access this professional learning and implement their understandings in 2024, they will be engaging in two Twilight evenings held Term 2, Week 9 and Term 3, Week 6 in-lieu of the School Development Day Friday 20th December 2024.


Mrs Bentley
