Chaplain's Chat

In our Year 7 Religious and Values Education classes we have been exploring the question, ‘What does it mean to be an Anglican school?’. This has led to rich discussion and deep reflection by our students on the various activities and experiences they have within our School community. ‘Welcoming All’ is an important part of our identity, driven by God’s love for all the world demonstrated in God coming to us as Jesus. This welcoming of people of faith and no faith at all, creates a diverse community who learn together through our differences. For an Anglican school, it is a focus on Christ that compels us to welcome everyone.
Another expression of our Anglican Identity is in loving and helping others. Our Habitat for Humanity team who are travelling to Cambodia in 21 days, are representing our School at a global level in this endeavour. However, it has been heartwarming to see the support of our school and broader community.
All students enjoyed their Casual Clothes Day last week wearing a ‘Hoodie for Habitat’ and donating money to the work of Habitat for Humanity Australia. Their aim is a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live. Collectively through this one initiative, we raised $878 - THANK YOU! All proceeds support the work of Habitat in the Asia-Pacific region which has many of the world’s most vulnerable people.
Please continue to support our cause through purchasing a raffle ticket from the Primary or Main Reception Office. There are some great prizes on offer and it is a fun way to support important and meaningful work. You can learn more about Habitat here.
“ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Jesus – Matthew 12
Rev. Tim Bowles