Secondary School

Year 7 Love Bites Program
Last Friday, our Year 7 cohort participated in the Love Bites Program which was a full day workshop. The interactive session focused on the development of respectful relationships for young people. The students were introduced to a number of services in the community and encouraged to support their friends by utilising safe, healthy and proactive strategies. They also discovered ways to manage conflict respectfully, explore relationships in the online world and identify ways to contribute to a culture of respect in our community. Thank you to our Wellbeing Team, Emily and Liz, for organising the workshop and keeping the students engaged all day!
Year 8 Little Tree Echuca
In our Year 8 Inquire and Explore class, we went to Little Tree in Echuca, which we chose as an elective. We went to Little Tree in our last double lesson in Term 1 and will continue to go there in our double periods this term. We got to tie dye our own pillow case, pat and hold guinea pigs, see the chickens, pat their golden retriever puppy, make bread, do painting, play finska, plant our own Geranium plant, and help with the gardening. Little Tree Echuca follows the steiner method of teaching which is about exposure to real life experiences such as cooking, where we made damper. They focus on integrating lots of creativity into the curriculum. Our experience at Little Tree was great; it was a fun way to get out of the classroom and most people’s highlight of the day was patting the guinea pigs.
By Zara Broadhead, Matilda Eddy, Ruby Caldwell, Lexi Starritt and Kiara Owen
Year 8 Camp
Last week, our Year 8 students participated in a follow-up session with the The Ranch team, following their camp earlier this month. A pre-camp survey noted that most students were keen to improve their confidence. In this session post camp, there was very high agreement amongst the students that they experienced some growth in this area while on camp. Well done to everyone involved!
Year 8 HSIE: Exploring Polynesia
In Year 8 HSIE, students have delved into the fascinating world of Polynesia. Each student selected a country within this region to research its unique traditions. As part of their project, they crafted replica Polynesian artifacts, including ceremonial weapons, models of traditional canoes and housing. Some students even utilized a 3D printer to create a model of a hand to demonstrate traditional tattooing techniques.
The students relished the opportunity to engage in hands-on creation while deepening their understanding of Polynesian history and its cultural significance.
Year 8 English
Shakespeare - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Things are getting creative in our Year 8 English classes as the students finalise their multimodal assessment on the enduring nature of Shakespeare. From performances to MineCraft worlds, artistic compositions to essays, our students are interpreting, recreating and transforming classic characters and themes.
Year 9 Beacon Careers Expo
On the 21st of May, students from across the Echuca Moama region gathered at the Rich River Bowling Club for a captivating career exposition organised by the Beacon Foundation. The event aimed to equip local students with the knowledge and desire to pursue further education beyond high school and to illuminate potential career pathways. It proved to be an enriching experience, exposing us to a large diversity of professions, ranging from agricultural science to hospitality.
Throughout the day, we participated in four immersive workshops. Each session provided valuable insights into the daily routines of professionals, the educational courses that led them to their current positions, and additional advice for our own potential career endeavours. Each workshop went for a duration of approximately 20 minutes, with brief five-minute breaks in between each stall, allowing us time to navigate the venue and find the next engaging presentation.
A notable aspect I particularly enjoyed about the event was the atmosphere and environment the speakers created. It was not like you were being lectured; they were interactive experiences. We were not only listening to their advice, but also actively participating and engaging with props and tools brought by the presenters. For instance, those who embarked in the paramedic course had the privilege of stepping inside an ambulance to witness firsthand the equipment utilised by paramedics during their shifts.
Overall, the exposition was an extremely informative experience, serving as a guide in our future career paths we would like to pursue. On behalf of our Year 9 cohort, I extend our sincere appreciation and thanks to all who contributed to the success of the event - the dedicated presenters for taking time out of their busy schedule to come and speak to us, to the organisers led by Cath and the Beacon Foundation, and to the supportive teachers who ensured the day ran seamlessly.
By Matilda
On the 21st of May, a range of students travelled to Rich River Golf Club to attend the Beacon Careers Expo. This was an amazing opportunity for all students to explore all of the different career pathways that are on offer.
The day consisted of four workshops that informed us about a day in the life of someone in the workforce. The presenters also spoke about what they had to do, and how much time it would take to get there.
In conclusion, it was an exciting and eye opening event that helped us decide on what career path we want to take!
By Ava
Year 10 Science
Our Year 10 students are currently learning about covalent compounds using gummy bears.
Year 10 Commerce & Year 11 Legal Studies trip to Deniliquin Court House
On Friday 17th May, the Year 11 Legal Studies and Year 10 commerce students made the trip up the Cobb Highway to the Deniliquin Court House. We parked outside the court to a comment of ‘Is this the White House?’ The Deniliquin Court House is one of the most extravagant buildings you will ever see.
We entered the 140 year old building where we were directed to the witness box seating area to observe the day's cases. The Magistrate was kind enough to speak to us prior to proceedings where she spoke about the judicial system and her path to becoming a Magistrate.
We observed a number of cases on the day including an extradition, ADVO’s, cultivation, grievous bodily harm and common assault. One case involved multiple witnesses taking to the stand where they were examined by both the prosecution and defence. The police interviews from this case were also shown to the court. It was hard to determine what actually occurred as there were conflicting stories. Most of the students found the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Unfortunately for us, we left midway through this case so we’ll be left wondering about the verdict!
It was a great opportunity for us to see the judicial system in action and relate this back to our current studies. Thank you to Miss Thompson and Mr Cadd for accompanying the students on the trip.
By Trent
Year 11 CAFS
As part of our Year 11 CAFS 'Families and Communities' unit, we are studying 'Family Structures'. Our students will take care of one of our electronic baby simulators, Abby and Raph, for two nights and three days. This exercise aims to help them understand 'Sole Parent Families', a family structure we cover in our studies. During this time, students will balance the responsibilities of being a sole parent while managing their work, sports, education or other commitments. This experience encourages them to think about support structures and practice providing the necessary care for a newborn.
The baby simulators require attention throughout the allocated time, needing to be held, burped, rocked, fed, or have their nappy changed. The babies are programmed to cry at various times, day and night, challenging students to identify and address the baby's needs. This practical exercise not only aligns with our CAFS syllabus but for some, also fosters a greater appreciation for their parents and the multiple roles parents undertake to ensure their children have a safe, happy, and loving upbringing.
International School Trip to Italy
Did you miss the deadline? Well, it’s not too late! We have one position on the International School Trip to Italy that has become available.
If you would like your child to be part of this unforgettable experience, you can sign up today.
For further information or to sign up, please call Reception on 03 5480 5900 or contact Mrs Westblade via email on
MAG Work Experience Directory
We are seeking Moama Anglican Grammar families who own local businesses and are interested in supporting our Year 10 students with work experience opportunities. If you are willing to host a student, please fill out this form. Your details will be added to our Work Experience directory, allowing students to consider your business for their future work experience. Thank you for considering this opportunity, we greatly appreciate the support of our Moama Anglican Grammar community!
Enhancing School-Parent Communication: The Power of SEQTA Engage App
In an era where technology seamlessly integrates into various aspects of our lives, it comes as no surprise that educational institutions are leveraging digital platforms to enhance communication between schools and families.The SEQTA Engage app is used by Moama Anglican Grammar to serve as a multifaceted tool for both schools and families, offering a streamlined approach for submitting school absences, accessing student reports, and centralised access to a number of other School resources for families.As a school committed to fostering strong partnerships between educators and families, we wholeheartedly encourage all parents to download the SEQTA Engage app onto their smartphones. By embracing this innovative platform, you not only gain convenient access to essential school-related information but also play an integral role in supporting your child's academic success. Please contact IT support via email at if you require assistance in setting up the SEQTA engage app on your smartphone.