Resource Centre

National Simultaneous Storytime

It was a pleasure to welcome Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2 and their teachers to the Resource Centre for the annual National Simultaneous Storytime at 11.35am on Wednesday 22 May. We read and discussed this year's text “Bowerbird Blues” by Aura Parker.

New Arrivals & Donations

Over the past fortnight, the Resource Centre team have been busy getting some new 7-9 Fiction and Junior Non Fiction books catalogued and ready to borrow!

Coffee, Cake & Books

On Monday morning, we had the pleasure of welcoming four new volunteers into the Resource Centre. The Resource Centre Team outlined the various ways volunteers can  assist in the space. If you see our new volunteers in the Resource Centre, please make them feel welcome!

Resource Centre Committee

The Resource Centre Committee meet at lunchtime every Thursday in RC2 (computer lab).

We have teams of students who have a weekly task to assist in running the Resource Centre.  

Scholastics Book Club

As you read this edition of the newsletter, all of Issue 3 of Scholastic Book Club have been delivered and disturbed. 

Premier's  Reading Challenge

The challenge begins on 26 February and closes on 23 August. 


The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) is upon us again. 


If your child has participated in the past, you can use the same login details. If you can’t locate your login details, please let Ms Height know and she will reset the password for you.


If you child is new to the challenge, they can join by: 

  • Contacting the Resource Centre (
  • Notifying Ms Height during their library lesson
  • Writing a note in your child’s school diary so their classroom teacher can pass this information onto the Library Staff

Once we have received the student passwords, they will be sent home and a copy will also be placed into your child's diary. 


If you would like to begin locating books for your children to read for the challenge, please take time to preview some of the lists that have been created on the website here


Please see the website for further details. 

Upcoming Events 

6 June               Resource Centre Committee Meeting 

7 June               Secondary Book Club @ Lunch Time

13 June            Resource Centre Committee Meeting 

20 June            Resource Centre Committee Meeting 

21 June            Secondary Book Club @ Lunch Time

Important details

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday at 8.30am to 4.30pm

Friday at 8.30am to 4.00pm


Borrowing and Returns

Students may borrow and return books before school, at recess, lunch time and after school. Primary School students also have the chance to borrow books during their fortnightly library lessons. 



Students are able to re-borrow books for an additional two weeks by speaking to staff at the Library Circulation Desk. If further borrowing is requested after this period, students are required to bring their book with them to allow the staff to sight it. In addition, students can renew their book/s by emailing the Library.



If your child would like to borrow a specific book and the title is not included in our current catalogue, we will add this to our purchase wishlist.


Overdue Notices

If you receive an overdue notice, there is a chance that the books may have been processed through our system after the email was sent. We encourage all parents to follow up any issues by emailing the Resource Centre on


If you have any other enquiries, issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our team by phoning Reception or sending an email.  


Reading Permissions

As our space caters from students from Kinder to Year 12, we have organised our collection to allow students to locate books that are written with protagonists who are of a similar age to them. For example, in Upper Primary, most of the characters are 11-13 year olds. This way, we can ensure themes and content are appropriate and allows students to read the books for pleasure independently and with confidence. 


When making the decision on where books are placed, we are guided by the author and publisher recommendations.


If students are requesting to borrow books above their age level, we request that parents write a letter or email the library staff to give permission for their child to borrow and read a specific book. 


Ms Height and Ms O’Neill

Resource Centre Team