Eucalyptus House

Hello, everyone! I am Marzia and I am the Student Representative for Eucalyptus 11.
It has been inspiring to see the SRC students in the House coming together as a team to meet and make decisions. With all the gratitude and positive messages, we are exploring and creating new ideas to make our House a more exciting place.
As we have been progressing through the year, it has been amazing to play the role of one of the SRCs for the House. It has been enlightening to listen to people's opinions and suggestions that have been put forth for activities to be arranged for the year. Fundraisers will continue to be a part of these and I highly appreciate the people who have participated and encouraged others to do so.
Well done to everyone who participated in the Athletics Carnival. It was a day of pure exhilaration, convivial rivalry and remarkable talent. Although we didn't end up winning, the display of fierce House spirit tied the whole event together and it was a wonderful sight to see everyone creating fond memories.
Also, be sure to join Chorales! It will be an exciting experience to bring out your inner House spirit. Not everyone is a singer - haha, I definitely know for a fact that I'm not - but consider it an experience to have good laughs with your buddies. So make sure to sign up and encourage your friends to do the same. Remember, the more people participating, the greater chance we have of coming out on top!
Marzia A
Year 11 SRC
Meet the Eucalyptus House Leadership Team!