Athletics Carnival

Monday 27 May, 2024

On Monday, the 27th of May, our school held the annual Athletics Carnival. The day consisted of a number of athletic events, including long jump and triple jump, short and long distance runs and more. Many students arrived in whimsical costumes and fun representations of their House colours, showing support for their respective houses. 

The Push-Up challenge was also held, run by Mr. Dewar, with other exercises offered as options that rewarded houses with extra points, encouraging students to remain active and to raise awareness. The challenge resulted in a jaw-dropping 24,990 total push-ups.

The most noteworthy event of the day was the final relay, where students of different age groups competed to pass along a baton to the finish line. Those who did not participate cheered on their peers from the sidelines, offering the encouragement they needed to represent their houses.

Some staff and students shared their experiences:

“I was very proud of the contribution of the Year 12 Eucalyptus (and all other) students who came to the event wearing blue and participated in the push-up challenge. It was a great day, well done, Eucy!” - Miss Curnow

“The Athletics Carnival is one of my favourite days of the year! The sun was shining, student participation was next level and the House colours on display were incredible.” - Ms Ly

“This was my last Athletics Carnival. It was very memorable and I enjoyed it very much!” - Year 12 Student

“I loved that a lot of people participated and how the Push-Up challenge encouraged the students to get more points for their Houses, which I found very admirable. As it was my last Athletics Carnival, I had a good time overall.” - Noon Hamid, Callistemon House Captain


Well done to the top three Houses of Athletics 2024!

Congratulations to Callistemon House and great effort to everyone who participated! Thank you to the staff and students who offered a small window to their experiences. I hope we can all agree that this was a fun event made for the books.




Sumaidha S

Year 12




House Spirit Awards -Athletics 2024


Lena P, B8

Hefsiba I, B7

Mubina A, B7



Noon H, C12

Sienna A, C11

Lujyin A, C12



Lumanyan ON, D12

Ahmed Adel E-T, D11

Arifa N, D12



Hadi H, E11

Alannah A, E10 & Timothy A, E9

Yousuf H, E9



Ali Sina A, F12

Elaha R, F10

Faalafi S, F8



Evin S, G7

Abood J, G12

Natalya I, G8



Keren A, H7

Abdullah M, H7

Zainab Z, H12