LRC News

Due to lots of interest, we have begun mini Chess Tournaments in the LRC during Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes. We have had some very keen students come along and test their skills against other students.
On Sunday the 26th of May, it was National Sorry Day. This day provides us with an opportunity as a society to acknowledge historical wrongs committed against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through forced removal and recognises the intergenerational trauma and ongoing impact these policies have had. During the week, we also mark Reconciliation week. This is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievement and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Students are learning about the significance of Sorry day and Reconciliation week during their library lessons. We have many Indigenous stories in our library, please come along and check out the collection.
Miss Sharon Tough
LRC Manager