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Making Oobleck

Our Year 7 students recently embarked on an exciting scientific exploration with the “Making Oobleck” experiment. Conducted at the start of our "An Environmental Crisis" unit, this activity aimed to explore the intriguing states of matter and demonstrate that some substances, like Oobleck, don't fit neatly into the standard categories of solid, liquid and gas.

Oobleck, a Non-Newtonian fluid, provided an engaging hands-on learning opportunity. Students were thrilled to mix simple household ingredients to create a substance that behaves both like a liquid and a solid, depending on the pressure applied. This experiment vividly illustrated the unique properties of Non-Newtonian fluids and sparked curiosity and enthusiasm for scientific exploration.


Students enjoyed getting their hands messy and seeing the immediate results of their efforts. The tactile experience of manipulating Oobleck allowed them to better understand complex scientific concepts in a fun and engaging way. It was a delight to see them experiment, ask questions and learn through play.


Mr Lam

Science Teacher