What's going on in 


Model UN 

Hey everyone, my name is Domica of E12 and I had the privilege to act as President of Model UN this year. If you weren’t aware, Model UN is a simulation of the real United Nations General Assembly, where countries debate, discuss and communicate on issues on a global scale in cooperating for the future they want.


Today, students from each senior year level were given the opportunity to go to Monash Law School, where we stepped into the shoes of a country ambassador to debate and represent different opinions on the current global topic of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. To plan and prepare for the day, we ‘delegates’ had to put ourselves in the place of our designated country’s government’s views and rewrite amendments to support these takes.


This excursion was a valuable experience for all, as we learned more about issues that take place outside our immediate environment. We also learned about the different perspectives that countries' governments have, broadening our understanding of global politics in general.


I highly recommend students give Model UN a go in future years, especially if you’re interested in law, global politics or politics in general. Model UN will definitely be a valuable memory for me to look back on.


Domica, E12 

Model UN Club President 

Hi, I’m Ibrahim in Year 11. I loved going to the Model UN excursion, which was a great simulation of an actual UN assembly. It was a great opportunity to be challenged by very developed and passionate students from across Victoria and I believe it helped me improve my negotiation and public speaking skills. Working in a group and preparing for the Model UN was an exhilarating commitment and the experience surpassed my expectations. Learning about how the UN functions and how other countries collaborate and come to a consensus was an eye-opening experience, not only to how much effort goes into reconciliation and support for world issues, but also regarding issues I was unaware of. I strongly recommend Model UN for all students as it is a very rewarding experience.


Ibrahim, H11


Hi, I’m Renata from C11. I enjoyed participating in the Model UN as I had the opportunity to engage in debates and discussions in regards of Indigenous rights and how to further uphold them. The collaborative environment allowed me to interact with students from different schools, offering diverse perspectives and as a collective reaching a final conclusion agreed by, if not all, majority of all participating states. The experience allowed us to play the role of delegate, enhancing public speaking and negotiation skills.


Model UN provided me with a deeper understanding of the complex issues surrounding Indigenous rights. I learned about ongoing struggles faced by Indigenous communities, how states position themselves and how combat rebuttals from opposing states. The discussions highlighted the importance of acknowledging and addressing these injustices through informed amendment-making and international cooperation. This experience has inspired me to further consider how we as a society promote justice within our communities. 


Renata, C11

Are you interested in building your negotiation, collaboration and critical thinking skills? Do you see yourself as a future lawyer, politician or leader? Want to be surrounded by like-minded peers in a dynamic and engaging environment? If this sounds like you, then look no further and join the Model UN Club today! Please see Miss Zahirovic in Hakea for further details.


Miss Zahirovic

Model UN Leader

Magistrates Court Excursion

Students attended the local Dandenong Magistrates Court to observe a range of cases relevant to key content they had been learning about in class. Students also had a unique opportunity to speak to judges who were able to give valuable insight into their roles and their decision-making processes.


Miss Zahirovic

Legal Studies Teacher